science, drawing, painting, printing, sewing, crochet, staring at the sky, dreams, growing plants in outer space, growing plants on earth, biology, astronomy, hydrology, botany..
Songs of the whale.
Movies! Kurosawa, Lynch, Troma, Leone, Fulci..
Paid programming. My taste in daytime television ranges more towards chanting audience members, fistfights, and the “backstage run of shame†that comes with a paternity test not going your way. ..
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson, Franz Kafkas Metamorphoses, She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb, Scott Zechs' The Captured, I Robot by Issac Asimov, William Goldmans The Princess Bride, Robert Crumb, Daniel Clowes, The Silent World by Jacques-Yves Cousteau
baby sailfish.