Mistress Mischief profile picture

Mistress Mischief

I am here for Friends

About Me

Well. I am usually a rather bored child, who can be rather hypocritical. I (who will now start talking in third person) like to read. She reads (when she has time) about 40 books every two weeks. SHe gets rather cranky when she has not read enough recently, or has gotten less than 12 hours of sleep, or ay least one nap. (In Other Words, ALWAYS). Her current guy of choice is not avaiable to her, for several reasons. All of which (and who it concerns) that will not be shared with the general public.This witch, (subsitute a b) can be mean when annoyed, or when cranky (most of the time). She is NOT going out with the lovely Julia Grim, so stop asking, and she is not atheltic, even if she likes sports.People who are homophobic or those who make jokes at the expense of others. People who simply bother me. People who say, thats gay. All of you, be prepared for me to dislike you rather much.want to know more? then just talk to me.
You are every goth-kids dream!
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your element is Shadow: Indifferent, unusual,
gentle and a complete mystery. No one tends to
know quite what to think of you because you
camouflage your emotions so incredibly well,
almost as well as your thoughts. You are
unpredictable in that no one knows exactly what
your going to do or what your capable of and
you've made sure they never will. You are quite
the wallflower but deep down inside is a kind
and very intelligent person. You are capable of
love but unless you let some light into your
shadowed life you'll have a hard time with your
relationships. People are a mystery only
because they all seem too superficial, you
would rather be somewhere else. Away from all
the noise, perhaps putting your feelings into a
form of art. Such as writing your feelings into
a poem or journal, or perhaps painting a
picture. The shadows make you feel comfortable
and you don't like to step outside your comfort
zone or let anyone else in, the spotlight
terrifies you. You are truly a mystery.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla
You scored as Goth.



Nerdy Girl




Athletic Tomboy




Popular Bitch




Preppy Girl

What type of girl are you?!!
created with QuizFarm.com..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
75 Dirty Little Secrets
Have you ever...
Glued your fingers together?: yes
Kissed a friend?: yep
Kissed a brother/sister's friend?: no
Cheated on a test?: yes
Cheated on your homework?: yes
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse?: kinda
Back-stabbed a friend?: no
Told people someone's deep, dark secret?: no
Looked up something on the Internet you shouldn't have?: yeah
Lied to your parents/a boss?: yeah
Lied to a friend?: yep
Lied to a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse?: yeah
Lied to get money?: no
Lied to get out of doing something?: yeah
Lied to make yourself sound better?: yeah
Spread gossip?: no
Made up a false rumor to get back at someone?: no
Stolen money?: no
Stolen anything else?: no
Talked about a "friend" behind their back?: once
Talked about a family member behind their back?: yeah
Talked about an enemy behind their back?: YEAH
Gotten in a big fight for no real reason?: yep
Gotten in a big fight for a real reason?: yep
Tried to draw attention to yourself for profit?: no
Tried to draw attention to someone's flaw?: i dont think so
Thought lustfully of someone?: kinda
Stalked somone?: NOO
Posted a celebrity's picture on a wall/locker/roof?: amazingly enough, no
Had a mad celebrity crush on multiple celebs?: no
Felt lustfully/lovingly about someone you've only met online?: no
Been divorced?: no
Done something bad because it was bad?: yeah
Gotten your tongue stuck to anything?: yeah
Laughed at a joke that wasn't funny?: yep
Let a friend harm themselves on purpose?: yes
Hurt yourself physically (on purpose)?: yes
Felt as if you were inferior to anyone?: yeah
Eaten something that wasn't yours?: YEAH
Taken a crazy dare?: no
Taken any dare so you wouldn't be "chicken?": a couple times
Gone streaking?: nope
Mooned/Flashed someone?: not on purpose....
Caused someone major embarrasment?: yep
Bullied someone?: no
Ruined someone's reputation on purpose?: no
Hurt someone's reputation to make yours better?: no
Lied to yourself to make you feel better?: yeah
Pushed someone into a pool?: yes
Accidentally hurt someone and not felt sorry?: yes
Got in a fight with someone and never made up?: yes
Bitten someone?: yep
Farted and blamed it on someone else?: eve
Lied to the general public?: everyone does that in 1st grade
Copied someone's homework because you didn't do it?: yep
Skipped school for fun?: no
Skipped school to get out of a test?: no
Skipped school because you forgot to do something?: no
Made up a wild story and told people it was true?: yeah
Told a little "white lie?": yeah
Wished someone was dead?: yes
Murdered someone?: no
Murdered someone inside your head?: yes
Apologized, but didn't mean it?: yes
Made yourself cry so people would feel sorry for you?: no
Yelled at someone in public?: yes
Said something you wish you hadn't?: yes
Lied about saying something you wish you hadn't?: yes
Kissed someone the day you met them?: yes... it was fun
Wanted to kiss a stranger?: no
Gotten pregnant/gotten someone pregnant before marriage?: no
Drank/did drugs/smoked a cigarette?: nope
Lied to protect someone who only wants to hurt you?: yes
Point out someone's flaws to cover up your own?: once
And finally...
Did you lie on this quiz?: no
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You are Barefoot!
You're a total free spirit, go with the flow girl
You can't be restricted by shoes for very long
And unsuprisingly, the same goes for men
Your match is out there - and he's as carefree as you are What Kind of Shoe Are You?
Your Quirk Factor: 72%
You're so quirky, it's hard for you to tell the difference between quirky and normal.
No doubt about it, there's little about you that's "normal" or "average." How Quirky Are You?
What Erika Erminia Means
E is for Earthy
R is for Relaxing
I is for Inspirational
K is for Keen
A is for Arty
is for
E is for Extreme
R is for Rich
M is for Modern
I is for Intelligent
N is for Nice
I is for Innocent
A is for Adaptable
Long Survey About Yourself
What time are you starting this?: 9:42
Name?: Erika
Nicknames?: none
Date of birth?: 6/10/91
Sex?: girl
Height?: 5'2" and 3/4
Eye color?: dark dark brown
Where were you born?: new york city
Number of candles on your last birthday cake?: i didnt have one
Pets?: fish?
Hair color?: brown
Piercings?: 1 in left ear, two in right
Town you live in?: minneapolis
Favorite foods?: pasta
Ever been to Africa?: nope
Been toilet papering?: nope
Love someone so much it made you cry?: no
Been in a car accident?: no
Croutons or bacon bits?: croutons
Favorite day of the week?: monday
Favorite resturant?: my house
Favorite flower?: bachelor buttons
Favorite sport to watch?: none
Favorite drink?: depends
Favorite ice cream flavor?: vanilla
Warner Bros. or Disney?: both
Favorite fast food restuarant?: subway
Carpet color in your bedroom?: creme
How many times did you fail your driver's test?: havent taken it
Whom did you get your last email from?: alex duncan
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?: savers
What do you do most often when you are bored?: read
Most annoying thing to say to me?: too many things
Bedtime?: 9:00
Favorite TV show?: none
Last person you went out to dinner with?:: my grandparents
Been out of country?: yeah
Believe in magick?: somedays
Ford or Chevy?: neither
What are you listening to right now?: silence
Have you ever failed a grade?: no
If you have, what grade did you fail?:
Do you have a crush on someone?: yep
Do you have a bf/gf?: nope
If so, what is their name?:
How long have you been together?:
What are you wearing right now?: grandpas sweater, purple velvety shirt, awesome skirt
Would you have sex before marriage?: yeah
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: not really
Are you a virgin?: yep
Do you smoke?: nope
Do you drink?: nope
Are you ghetto?: no
Are you a player?: no
What are your favorite colors?: purple. green. silver
What is your favorite animal?: horse. wolf.
Do you have any birthmarks?: on my hip, on my cheek
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: yep
Who do you talk to most on the phone?: emily, i think
Have you ever been slapped?: yep
Do you get online a lot?: yeah
Are you shy or outgoing?: mostly outgoing, but i can be pretty shy
Do you shower?: yes
Do you hate school?: no. i adore it.
Do you have a social life?: not really
How easily do you trust people?: not easily
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: maybe
Would you ever sky dive?: no
Do you like to dance?: yes, but i suck at it
Have you ever been out of state?: yes
Do you like to travel?: yes
Have you ever been expelled from school?: nope
Have you ever been suspended from school?: nope
Do you want to get out of your hometown?: no!
Are you spoiled?: no
Are you a brat?: sometimes
Have you ever been dumped?: yeah
Have you ever gotten high?: no
Do you like snapple?: no
Do you drink a lot of water?: no
What toothpaste do you use?: cant remember
Do you have a cell phone?: yeah
Do you have a curfew?: not really
Who do you look up to?: no one
Are you a role model?: not for most people
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?: no
What name brand do you wear the most?: none
What kind of jewelry do you wear?: allsorts
What do you want pierced?: lip. eyebrow. cartilage. maybe tongue
Do you like takin pictures?: yes!
Do you like gettin your picture taken?: nooooo!
Do you have a tan?: not at the moment
Do you get annoyed easily?: yes
Have you ever started a rumor?: not that i can remember
Do you have your own phone or phone line?: no
Do you have your own pool?: no
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: boxers
Do you have any siblings?: yeah
Have you ever been played?: kinda
Have you ever played anyone?: no
Do you get along with your parents?: most of the time
How do you vent your anger?: i scream. cry. then read.
Have you ever ran away?: no
Have you ever been fired from a job?: no
Do you even have a job?: summer jobs...
Do you daydream a lot?: yes, all the time
Do you have a lot of ex's?: a couple
Do you run your mouth?: at times
What do you want a tattoo of?: blue and white rose, and a red and black one
What do you have a tattoo of?: noen
What does your ex bf/gf look like?: like a person
What does your most recent crush look like?: see above
Whats her/his name?: why would i say?
Have you ever been bitched out?: hells yes. loads of times. i blush
Are you rude?: at times
What was the last compliment you recieved?: dont remember
Do you like getting dirty?: no
Are you flexiable?: yeah
What is your heritage?: guatemalan, german, swedish, irish, luxembourgish
What is your lucky number?: 12, 15, 125
What does your hair look like right now?: a braid, with a bunch of flyaway hairs
Could you ever be a vegetarian?: yes
Describe your looks?: not that great. glasses, really dark hair and eyes, short, bit curvy
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: red
Would you ever date someone younger than you?: depends how much younger
Would you ever date someone older than you?: yes
When was the last time you were drunk?: never
How many rings until you answer the phone?: one
Have you ever been skinny dipping?: i want to
If yes, when was the last time?:
When was the last time you went on a date?: end of december
Do you look more like your mother or father?: a mix of both
Do you cry a lot?: yes and no
Do you ever cry to get your way?: no
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: sooo... ummmm..... yeah
Are you the romantic type?: not really
Have you ever been chased by cops?: no
What do you like most about your body?: its all the same to me
What do you like least about your body?: see above
When did you have your first crush?: 1st grade
When was the last time you threw up?: whne i threw up on my cousin when i was about 0
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: red heads
Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly?: i try not to
What about cleavage?: at times
Is your best friend a virgin?: no
Have you ever fucked someone up?: i dont think so
Have you ever been fucked up?: no
What theme does your room have?: erika-ness
What size show do you wear?: im guessing you mean shoe... about 6 1/2
What is your screen name on .. yaukira
How are you feeling right now?: tired
When was the last time you were at a party?: long time ago
Have you ever given a lapdance?: no
Have you ever recieved one?: kinda
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: yep
What is one of your bad qualilties?: i can get bitchy prettty quickly
What is one of your good qualilties?: i can read quickly
Would you marry for money?: no
What do you drive?: i will be driving a honda accord
Are you more of a mommys or daddys child?: mom's and dad's
When was the last time you cried in school?: feb 22nd
Would you ever hook up with the same sex?: yep
What kind of music do you like?: a lot
Would you ever bungee jump?: no
What is your worst fear?: i dont know
Would you ever join the army?: no
Do you like cows?: yes
If you were to die today, what would you do?: say good bye
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it b?: i dont know
Do you like to party?: no
Hearts or broken hearts?: neither
Moons or stars?: both
Coke or pepsi?: neither
Favorite scent?: after it rains
Favorite band?: steeleye span
Would you ever dye your hair red?: yes
How many languages can you speak?: 2
What time are you finishing this?: 10:00
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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

You Are Grape
You are bold and a true individual. You are very different and very okay with that.
People know you as a straight shooter. You're very honest, even when the truth hurts.
You are also very grounded and practical. No one is going to sneak anything by you.
People enjoy your fresh approach to life. And it's this honesty that makes you a very innovative person. What Color Purple Are You?


everything except: rap, hip hop, blues, jazz, pop,and some of my dads old music. but i like pretty much anything else.BANDS THAT I ADORE!- Steeleye SPan -Tori Amos -Mamas and the Papas -The Beatles -Afilio -Chaplan -EKOVA!!!! -Tegan and Sara -The CRanberries -Scarlett Affection -MatisyahuAND many many many! others. Just to lazy to list them all
You scored as classical. you're pretty classic yourself. you seem like a calm, intelligent person. you probably have a great vocabulary and get along with most people because you're really sweet.



experimental rock




hair metal/rock & roll/heavy metal




punk rock


indie rock/elitist




pop punk



what genre of music do you act like? (this is really long)
created with QuizFarm.com


Ya know, I love movies. So, I happen to like a lot of them.


Ugh. I dont watch tv/


fiction. pretty much anything. hey, im a bookworm! I adore books. so, way to many to choose from

My Blog

20 things part multiple

1. Eh? I don't know what to do with you. Should I repeat, inform you or what? Cause its all different now.2. Shit. I am sorry. I didnt mean to flirt with you. At least now you know that it wouldnt wor...
Posted by Mistress Mischief on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 02:49:00 PST

another mostly anonymous rant on people....

So, im not naming names, and each of these points are on different people1. I am so scared right now. i have no idea if i am scared of you, or just the situation2. oh my fucking god. i hate you. (nice...
Posted by Mistress Mischief on Wed, 09 May 2007 07:06:00 PST

What does your birth month reveal about you? (Pics)

What does your birth month reveal about you? (Pics)?JuneThinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite andsoft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to...
Posted by Mistress Mischief on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 06:31:00 PST

20 things to you

1. Things I would never say to people.2. Can't write their name.(Generally, the stuff i want to say isnt all that nice.)1. Sometimes i really dislike you, cause you are changing, and not in a good way...
Posted by Mistress Mischief on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 06:41:00 PST

Its been awhile

My friends from last year are not, new friends are newi am confused.are you?Well, life is like that. you make friends, and you lose some. i just wasnt ready for it. and the people i do not consider my...
Posted by Mistress Mischief on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 11:08:00 PST


it is amusing to see all that is around me heh. im in a good mood for once. school is out, wont have to worry about it till september, and well, ive read some good books and listened to good music...
Posted by Mistress Mischief on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST