having a good coffee and sweets with friends, hot chocolate and strawberries, photos--b&w or vivid colour, living in/visiting foreign countries, thinking about how to have a library, a comfortable red couch, fusion of antique and modern life styles, reading good and sometimes bad books, painting/drawing, antique jewelries and studying about them, making clothes, stroll in the cities/parks, libraries, and you!
someone that thinks I'm his/her special. anyone who takes extra care about my personal belongings. And sincere people are always ones I'd love to meet.
In the Mood for Love, Jeux d'enfants,Before Sunset, Il Postino
Camus, Scott Fitzgearld, Jane Austen, Sagan, Haruki Murakami, Dazai, Charles Dickens, Jeffrey Eugenides, Syusaku Endo, J.D. Salinger, Moyoko Anno, Hayao Miyazaki, Mika Ninagawa(photos)