I am a songwriter. I feel music literally running through my body- it causes me to sway at times. When I write music, I'm always trying to come up with different ideas, chords, chord progressions. I enjoy being different and challenging music and it's possibilities. As an artist, i'm insecure; the awful common ground we all face. And in my insecurities I seem to always fall short of my goals when it comes to music; but always feel rejuvenated and inspired when I'm faced with a crowd and am able to perform. I find I am my hardest critique. I love singing TO people; looking them in the face and pushing boundaries. I want to speak to people's hearts, getting past the walls, finding their hurts, or what makes them the happiest. I've realized I am a slow processor, indecisive and impossible. With that combination you get me second guessing all of my decisions until a year goes by and I've finally beaten my head against the wall so many times that one answer seems, actually, right. So, in all of this, flows out my creativity and life experiences, I guess. I love music. And that's your heart to heart with Jennifer Neal at the moment... Thank you and goodnight.
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