Lots of stuff.I can spend a whole saturday just listening to music. Or I can play any sport you can come up with, considering my favourite's are football and hockey. I also can play chess, so I guess that counts as an interest. Also driving down a country road just jammin to 99.7. That is the best feeling ever. And I also like (the cliche.. part) hanging out with my friends and going to the movies. God that sounded so preppish. Ew. And I will go snowboarding this winter!
Cool people I don't really look up to any people so yeah and then I'd like so wanna meet everbody. There. Happy? ok.
Breaking Benjamin, Hazen Street, The Ataris, Green Day,Bowling for Soup, Franz Ferdinand, Relient K, The Killers, System of a down, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Th forecast, Alternative and Punk music basically and if any of yall people have cool bands for me to check out then just give em to me and I'll check them out (please)
Cool moves maybe even a little bit of action movies but cheezy comedies like Eurotrip are the best and like most Adam Sandler movies not called Spanglish
Start from da top peoples! Family Guy South Park College football Sportscenter Mind of Mencia MXC Ninja Warriors Baseball Any Ohio State athletics Spongebob(?!) Futurama Any football Colbert Report
I can't really read funny books so I'll stick with half action books that sound cool...it's funny because I had a dream about books last night for some odd reason.
I dont have any because each person is different going through different stages