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the reese

u think u kno wats goin on...with no real idea wats happening...u say u tryin to keep it real..wit n

About Me

ey wasup how u doin?..i'm jus chillin like a fat cat stayin on my grind..nah mean... buti'mma cut to the chase cuz i really don feel like typin alot....basically if u wanna kno about me...ask...hit me wit message and a friend request and then it'll b ll gravy from there...iight folks...reese's peacezLove Myspace Layouts Download Ringtones Cute Myspace Layouts Plain Myspace Layouts Verizon Ringtones Cingular Ringtones Alcohol Myspace Layouts MP3 Ringtones Emo Myspace Layouts Dark Myspace Layouts
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My Interests

life...the difference between jus being alive and actualy living....between living life wth every breathe....or jus being alive and breathing to death...yea i like that

I'd like to meet:

some new folks....and this guy is one of inspirations my insipration....i'm bout there
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i like all is music...jus like people different style different cultures speeds...sounds behaviors.....but we are all one race humanity.....its all music


Horror flicks, Action, some drama, Comedys gotta have some laughter in your life, and i gotta say i'm not soft or nothin like that, but i gotta be kinna considerate towards the ladies so I'll watch a couple "chick flicks" but only for the ladies.


i'll b honest with you there is alot of garbage on tv now a days but i still watch it i watch alotta BET HBO music videos sports...movies cartoons...the usual...yea i saidit cartoons...i watch a few here in there...i must admit keeps me sane haha
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The Flying Spaghetti Monster Lives | I have been touched by His Noodly Appendage | Join the Pastafarians | Bring back the pirates! Add me as a friend fsmismyhero

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The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monsteri really dont kno wat that is it jus popped up on here so wateva....but on the real i'm not the biggest reader i should probably work on that...but b honest i really like graphic novels and comic books..kiinda keeps me in touch with the kid inside u kno


1st off my lord and saviour jesus christbut besides tht my mother all the way we been through alot together and i really love her... And to my grandparents for takin care of me for a few years while my mother was gettin over somethings