I am a geologist, at the time in transition period between atwo jobs - I worked for many years as a consultant, but also as a parttime lecturer on the Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia). Now I am employed full time at the University, at the time finishing my PhD (probably I am the oldest PhD student You know :-)). Anyway, this is what I really like to do ...My family: I am married and we are living in Dunajska Streda close to Bratislava, in the middle of the probably biggest river island in Europe (100 km long, 30 km wide). My wife is a dentist, has a private practice in a village close to here, my son Jakub is 16, next year starting high school. Finally, an important member of our family is Cyprian, a 10 years old dachshund. He is a real son of a bitch, in all meanings, however we can't imagine our life without him.I am a bit crazy, never was 16 (no chance to be older :-)), I love freedom and independency, often stubborn and quarrelsome, sometimes attracting strange accidents... As a youngster I was a hippy (and still I am, a bit). Finally, I really admire my wife as she did not kill me ... yet.... and why will I be arrested?
You will go to jail for...
Stealing condoms from the grocery store
'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at QuizUniverse.com