THE TRUTH ABOUT GIRLS WHEN I RUN AWAY FROM YOU -follow me WHEN I POUT MY LIPS -kiss me WHEN I KICK -hug me tight WHEN I CALL YOU CRAZY -im crazy about you WHEN I AM SILENT -im thinking of how to say ilove you WHEN I INGNORE YOU -i want all your attention WHEN I PULL AWAY -grab me by the waist and tell me you'll never let go WHEN YOU SEE ME AT MY WORST -tell me im beautiful WHEN I SCREAM AT YOU -tell me you love me WHEN YOU SEE ME WALKING -sneak up behind me and rest your head on my shoulder IF I DONT CALL YOU -im waiting by the phone for your call WHEN I AM SCARED -hold me by the waist WHEN I LOOK LIKE SOMETHINGS WRONG -kiss me and tell me everything will be alright WHILE I HOLD YOUR HAND -play with my fingers JUST A FEW TIP!!!!!
ok here's a little bit about me i am a pretty good person and i go to mingus union high school and it's the bomb. i love to dance and party all the time. my sister megan is the shit and she's beautiful. chevy's are the shit and fords can kiss my ass, cowboys are awesome, guys who don't cheat and actually love their girlfriends are hard to find, girls are down right bitches and deserve to be smacked
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What Classic Bombshell Are You?
Marilyn Monroe
You are Marilyn Monroe! You are a true sex goddess. Men want you and women want to be you. Your body is flawless and you are the epitome of beauty. You love being in front of the camera and it shows.
Take this testWhat type of engagment ring are you?You are a simple girl who knows what she wants. A girl who knows how to control all aspects of her life. A great girl to have as a friend! In a word GROUNDED!
Take this testwhat brand name purse r u.ur high class and u let nothing get in the way.
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