The Pan-African Scouts are a youth-branch of the I.M.I.P.A.P. All that needs to be said about us and our mission can be found in the mission statement below:The International Movement for the Independence and Protection of African People is a serious Pan-African Nationalist association founded for the specific and exclusive purpose of amassing power and attaining authority for the Global African Family in any and all areas of human endeavor. Founded upon the ancient bedrock of African Spirituality, this movement refuses to yield or prostrate before any force save The One Almighty Architect of the Universe whom we consider to be androgynous.
We intend to fulfill the vision created by the founding fathers of this great movement including Paul Cuffe, Bishop Henry McNeal Turner, Henry Highland Garnet, George Charles, Alexander Crummell, Martin Delany, Edward Wilmot Blyden, Henry Sylvester Williams, James Africanus Beale Horton, Casely Hayford and the Right Excellent Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey. We stand for the eternal principle of male and female equality in all things, understanding that any institution devoid of the nurturance and intelligence of the female soul cannot achieve greatness.
Realizing that we may not see the fruit of our work in our own lifetime we dedicate our efforts to all future generations of African children yet unborn. With Race Pride as our sword and Racial Self-Reliance as our Shield we commit ourselves to the sacred cause of Pan-African redemption. Refusing to accept the false belief that self-rule is impossible and that disunity is the perpetual abode of the African Race we consider the impossible to be not only achievable but within the reach of our grasp.
What other Races have done, we too can do. To see the entire Race stand together as one person is our destiny. Understanding that prayer, protest and politics has its place in our struggle there is no substitute for diligence, accomplishment and collective progress. We pledge our lives to the promise that Africa and her progeny will again be free and this we intend to create through UNITY*POWER*NATIONHOOD*HONOR.