RESPECT YOUR MOTHER!You, me and the connection in between. People, art, music, books, God, Karma, the pretense of truth, nature and the after life.
All the intelligent and good-hearted people of the Universe. My past, my roots and my guardian angel.God, Make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, let me bring pardon; where there is doubt, let me bring faith; where there is despair, let me show hope; where there is darkness, let me be light; and where there's sadness, I'll bring joy. Grant that I may seek to console more than to be consoled; to understand more than to be understood; to love more than to being loved; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in forgiving that we are forgiven; and it is dying that we are born to eternal life.
Everything, from Oldies and Classics to Heavy metal and Independent Bands. Even if I tried to list my favorites only, the list would be too long, so let's just leave it as it is.
That would be a very long list too.
News, cartoons, comedy, movies... But I don't really watch TV that much.
Read Allan Kardec.
My dad, Homer Simpson, and Jesus Christ