My name is Litaf (yes real name..)
I'm 19 years old from a small suburban city near Haifa, Israel.
i have a twin brother (and no, we are nothing alike!)
i'm a soldier-student (the army pays for my studys).. i study electronics engineering in the Technion .. but my dream is to be a neurosurgeon (weird me..). or a rockstar, whatever comes first..=]
i'm addicted to lollipops <3
i'm a proud freckled!
i love love love love my family! <3
i work in a surf clothing store named BlueBird (for a year now!)
i love parties^^
i'm a huge fan of alcohol :P
i was in Holand, Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Morocco
i hate clowns, i'm really scared of them :/ and it goes way back...
i love to read (NERD)
im really easygoing :)
im a lazyass when it comes to do anything useful ( I love to sleep!
I love music! my ipod is my best friend) :P
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