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The Whole World Can Change In A Minute! Just One Kiss Can Stop It Spinning....

About Me

FIRST THINGS FIRST I MUST GIVE A SHOUT OUT TO MY VERY TALENTED CUZZIN, PHAT BEATZ!! HE IS A TIGHT VERSE OVER THE PERFECT BEAT!! LOL I LOVE YOU B!!! ;C) Now a little something about me...I'm 26 years old and I started on Myspace to keep up with 3 of the most beautiful girls I know! (family) :c) It has also allowed me to keep in contact with so many others now, I'm addicted! lol Okay, so I've finally gotten around to changing my picture! My name is Nichole, most people call me Nikki. I am 1/2 black 1/2 mexican. I keep trying to live my life by a few simple rules: Sing like noone is listening, Dance like noone is watching, Love like I've never had a broken heart, & Don't wait until I'm sorry isn't enough and "I Love You" just won't fix it.!! I want to learn how to play the piano. I would love to be able to take beautiful pictures. I live for my family and friends. I love movies, music, and laughing. I love sports to play and watch. I would love to get married and have children, but I won't rush it. I put NO for smoker, b/c I'm trying to quit! I will always be a Toys 'R' Us kid! I'm more goofy than serious. I laugh more than I cry. And sometimes have a hard time remembering that the best things come to those who wait! Hey send me a message if you don't believe me! ;c)"God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference!"Unbreakable Heart:An empty room, a broken fairy tale A hollow girl with empty arms From an angel's tears God made the stars Why can't He make me an unbreakable heartIn my blue world, you shone like Heaven's fire And left me cryin' in the dark How could anyone be so hard Did you think I had an unbreakable heartI suppose I should know Sometimes love just comes and goes But I believed, foolish me We'd go on and onOne day, someone will come to you And rock you tightly in her arms Please remember this, when you drop your guard Nobody has an unbreakable heartFrom an angel's wings to a fallen star God makes everything but unbreakable hearts

My Interests

I enjoy reading, watching movies,laughing, chilling, good drinks, road trips, sports, lazy days, window shopping, really really good ice cream, the PERFECT kiss, warm hugs, & my life!No Matter What The Reasons I Still Deserve Better!GET A NEW CONTACT TABLE + MYSPACE LAYOUTS

I'd like to meet:

The heart does things for reasons, that reason cannot understandTake Chances..Give Everything...Have No Regrets!..

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I listen to most types of music: rap, r&b, country, alternative, etc... Pretty much anything with words that I like and fit my mood at the time!


I REFUSE TO WATCH ANYTHING SCARY! Other than that, I'm a chick, I LOVE romantic comedies! Make me laugh AND cry at the same time and I'm yours! But i guess we all have our dark sides, b/c I still LOVE it when shit BLOWS UP! LOL


I am ADDICTED to Grey's Anatomy & CSI!! I can't stand reality T.V.!!


Way too many to name! Just as long as it's not scary, I have a VERY over active imagination, lol


I give BIG ups to my Mom for holding it down all alone. Thank you for all your love and support! I love you! You are and always will be my...