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Hi! My name is Diana and I live in Kitzbühel - a boring village in the alpine mountains of the Tyrol. But originally I come from Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. I grew up bilingual (Croatian, German), but I ve learned English and Latin (and a little bit of French) at school. Now I attend the ugly Commercial College in Kitzbühel and I really do hate it! One of my greatest dreams is to visit as much countries as possible - and I mean not just the touristic attractions which I think do not show the true colours of the countries. I m an extroverted person, I don t mind if somebody knows much about me. I don t take everything that earnest in life. I don t fear someone hurting me because I m just concentrated on my objectives and a very small group of persons who I really care about. Furthermore I accept hurt as a part of my life and it is essential to create an exciting story of my life. I don t care if someone takes advantage of me or if someone is better than me - For me I am my own drawback! But if someone needs my help -no matter if it is my friend or enemy- I will try to help, because, I don t know, but I just feel like helping.All in all I think, what I m trying to say here is that I m proud of being myself the whole time because I dont mind if someone thinks thats shit.