oatmeal joe profile picture

oatmeal joe

My Interests

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    home send joey amsge lets be friends

////// Friends //////

who is this guy called JOEYBOY?

Paul (Chance Tribe/SEP) Posted 6/13/2003 Joe...where should i start.First of all people,dont try to battle this guy in breakdancing,if he loses he gets this big "Brother" to beat you up.Secondly when you see his name on IM you better chat with him or you'll get his now famous "bah!" Thirdly, dont ever play with him with "Anything", cause he's such a Freaking Cheater! Fourthly , I dont think he'll ever grow up! Fifthly..wtf.."Fifthly"...who cares....anywyas..IF it wasnt for Joe..our group of friends wouldnt be as fun as they are now so JOE ...Thanks for making us laugh buddy!

Anthony (SEP/ChickBoy Hater): Posted 8/25/2003 what's up Batman, it's Robin. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have any friends. I tought this guy everything he knows. How to mac, drive (grandma car) and speak english. lol... I'm going to miss this guy when I move. He's boring, and dumb...I feel sorry for the girl that's going to say "I do" She's going to bored for life. haha...You better visit me in Hawaii puto!

Jon (FM crew): Posted 6/13/2003 Mr. Lover Lover-ia, JB, Batman, T.O... JoeyBoy has a lotta nicknames... butall of em equal to just damn FUNNY!.. He's the king of Charades!.. gets everyone to fight in bball pick-up games... and gives everyone f$#@-up nicknames as well like it was water. But all the really good times, I've ever had kickin it.. i have to admit, he was always around... U DA MAN, J.B... oh and if u ever see him at a club.. don't dance in front of him.. or else he'll have a dance impression for everyone to see thereafter...

Mayzee Posted 10/11/2003 JOSEPH AND SHEILA- always used in the same sentence interchangeably. my utmost happiness for my brother- for finding love. i think everyone knows how funny he is ..... i think my brothers all all funny but joseph ...he doesn't care who's watching him on the dance floor. y'all know what i'm talking about....

Vitals /////////

Age :: XXX
Body :: Cinco' Cinco"
Status :: Married to Ms. Wong
G4RC :: Member & Founder
Baller? :: YES
Hometown :: SanFern, ese!
Ethnicity :: Coconut Islander
Occupation :: Motionographer

Interests /////////

Music :: I love it!
Books :: "How to Read Books" (never finished)
Fav Person: My boy EvLove!
Movies :: at home, on the weekends & at work!
Hobbies :: My 35mm Canon, My DM4, My Wacom Pen, My Prince

Links /////////

Drissi Multimedia :: Where I work
UNEASYsilence :: Observing the unobserved
Flickrstream :: My Shitznitz
:) :: R we friends?

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.. .. Why MySpace now Joey???

"i got forced."


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