PERFORMED profile picture


About Me

Thrash metal band, started in October 2003. Two grounding members kept band idea long time ago in their minds, but only first exam is date of beginning.
Grounding members are Peter Chalupcik (drums) and Martin Majdan (vocals, guitar) and they are still in band. In april 2004 comes lead guitarist Richard Adamec. These three guys practice rest of the year and in the end they play first mini-concert in Prievidza (Zapotocky).
First months of year 2005 is in the sign of hard practising and desperate (looks so) finding bass guitar player. Finally is it Ondrej Kusnir. He started in may 2005. Performed, complete now, practice and in October begin to play live (Prievidza, Nitra, Zlate Moravce, Bratislava). Most of the songs they play are Metallica covers.
The beginning of 2006 year bassist Ondro leaves the band and band have to find a new one. He plays concert in Nitra yet but next month in Prievidza is introduced a new bass guitar player, Lukas Neuschl and he plays bass to this day. In summer band play couple of gigs and after them guitarist Riso leaves the band. The band speak to Marian Luprich (Lupo) and he agreed. He plays with band until june 2007. Next guitarist Lukas Komenda plays with band from october 2007 and he leaves Performed in april 2008.
In now band write and practice own songs for the first Demo CD with the new lead guitarist Maros Pies, who started in October 2008.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/29/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:

Peter Chalupčík's Profile

Influences: Death, Kreator, Sepultura, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Sadus, Testament, Pantera, Kiss, AC/DC, Coroner, Motorhead, Rage, Slayer, Tublatanka, ...
Sounds Like: Performed
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

New Songs

Som rád, ~e Vám mô~eme oznámie, ~e songy na prvé CD máme dokon ené, tak~e nepotrvá dlho a nastúpime do atúdia ich nahrae. oskoro sa teda ozveme so správou, ~e nahrávanie sa za alo... Eate vybrae a...
Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 03:23:00 GMT

What's New

Tak sa po dlhaom ase ozývame, aby ste vedeli, ~e stále ~ijeme.V era sa kapelka ziala kone ne na skúake a dala sa do práce.Napriek tomu, ~e to bola prvá skúaka po ve>mi dlhej dobe, vyzerala vcelku dob...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 01:13:00 GMT

Report From Bratislava (Live March 2008)

Som si spomenul, ze na jednom internetovom portali bol report na jeden z nasich poslednych koncertov, tak tu je. Dufam, ze onedlho bude moct pridat dalsi, uz aktualnejsi.Published by blaze on Sobota, ...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Jan 2009 00:58:00 GMT