My f@miLy @re my #1 tOp intere$t,I love bein with my kid$ they @lw@y$ bring me up when I..m down they @re my life my every th@ng,Drinking,$inging,D@ncing,Mu$ic,H@ngin out in decent pl@ce$ where there$ no dr@m@ c@u$e I c@nt $t@nd it, Dont need it && Dont h@ve time for it!! Re@l tru people,no f@ke$ or 2 f@ce$ ple@z!!
I woUld lOOOOvE to mEEt M@ri@H C@rEy,@m@Nd@ PeReZ (I..v @lrE@dY mEt hEr Y@@@@Y!! LucKy mE = ],$hE $oooo hOt!!!!),LiL W@yNe (He $oooo hOt!!),&& TiL@ TeQuiLL@ ($hE my l@Dy ; ])ThEy @rE tH@ bE$t eVeR fuCk tH@ rE$t!!!! It @l$o woUldnT huRt tO mEEt $uM rE@l,DoWn 2 e@Rth,Dr@MM@ frEE pEopLE = ] FuCk tH@ f@kE$,2F@ceD,Imm@TurE,MoTh@ fuCkeR$ wHo liKe 2 juDge && C@u$E proBleM$,GrOw tH@ fuCk uP && Go 2 hEll!! && 2 mY tRu loY@l f@n$ kEEp dEm coMMent$ && Me$$@ge$ cuMMiN cUz yOu onLy bE m@kiN me,Not brE@kiN mE $o doNt eVer be thiNkiN otHer wi$e KK. YoU be onLy m@kIn mE fEEl f@Mou$ d@T$ it,$o bE$$o$ 2 @ll yOu h@teR$ oUt thErE Ima $tiLL do mE kNo d@T in yoUr he@Rt ; ] && MuCh loVe 2 my rE@l pEEp$ oUt thErE yOu kNo wHo yOu @Re..I..m ouTTiE Mw@@@@@@@@@Z!!!!
MARIAH,MARIAH,MARIAH CAREY, OlDIe$,frEE$tyLe & A bIt of EvErythIng El$E WuT EvEr M@Ke$ me Move OR MovE$ me.
My F@voRitE$ @Re mO$Tley $C@Ry & ComEdy$.BuT I LiKe Me $uM aLL diFFeRenT oTHer kINd$ oF mOVie$.
D@y$ OF oUr lIVe$,p@$$ioN$,F@MilY GuY,$OUth P@rk,$hIn cH@n,I lOVe NeW YorK,Fl@vOR of LovE,Ch@rM $chOOl,Reb@,ThE L wORd,WeeD$,$eX in ThE CitY..(D@Mb D@T$ @LOt of $HOw$!)M@InLy Ju$T Re@lITy $How$ D@T C@TCh my @TTenTioN.
$t@R,InToucH,LifE & $TYle M@GAZine$,J@me$ & tHe gi@Nt pe@Ch & RoMeo&JuLIet.
MY kId$ & My MoMM@.