What is it that we really strive for? We work day in and day out trying to secure something that is not ever guaranteed. Tommorow is not promised and phrases like this shows that we live our lives in blindness because we do not no what the future holds. I now realize that I cannot keep being blind, knowing that I am blind of something. I must search and find what LIFE is and what it is all about. Letting go of the mortal me, and finding out who I am immortal!
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You know there is no one in particular that I would wish to meet, I am very greatful for the people that I have met and for the people that I will meet in the future. However I am always open to meet new people.
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The Mind is a Terrible thing to waste! Especially since it is through this that we will gain knowledge. Unknowingly we focus our minds on things that have no value whatsoever, and inhibit ourselves from ever gaining knowledge of that which is true. TRUE!!!.. having nothing to do with religion.. or any other bounderies that separate us. Have we become so blind that we only can view ourselves in catagories, and place labels on oursleves. These separations are only to distract us of true KNOWLEDGE!! If race, gender,financial status, religion and any other separation dissolves.. What then will keep us from finding what is true, since our minds have now been cleared of that which hinders us.
Who are we? And of what type did come from, are things we should be asking oursleves. We so many times in our lives just accept what has been placed before us instead of seeking for what is inside of us. We work beacuse we need money, we eat because we are hungry, we sleep because we are tired.. and all of this constitutes our living.. But shouldn't living just be us... living. Just existing in the nature that it was intended for us. A plant lives..in the nature of itself. WE obviously have not found our place were we can just exist in this world... so why not seek outside of the world.Only understanding what the world is, and if there is any distinction between us and it. If we find that we are of the world, we are not only of the world, but we become the world. So when the world has dissolved.. sadly so will we. Because the WORLD IS US! If we let it be.
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If the mind is able to live without the body, but the body is not able to live without the mind. Doesn't that say that it is your mind that lives, and the body that doesn't. So why do we focus so much on our body, and so little on our minds. If our mind has nessecary knowledge and our body has died, would not our mind still retain that same information.. since it is the mind that lives. And wouldn't we continue to live...? Not in the body... but just live! But where we live would all depend on where our minds are. Where are minds are, our heart is there also and thusmost proves what we are.
Change is something that is very necessary, but how can we keep expecting a change to come through the same avenue that we have recieved our disapointments. Change doesnt mean New people, it means New WAY! Unless we experience a new way, we will never experience a true change. We rely on faith mostly to guide us through what we know needs to be changed. But what is it we have faith in? Do we know? The reason why faith seems so rough, is because we allow ourslves to put our FAITH in things we no nothing about. We think we know! But we have no idea. The joy of having faith in something, is knowing what it is you have faith in. Therefore your faith isn't blind, and you have a reason to have faith.
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Christ has performed the most heroic act of all, because through his ressurection, he is able to restore the ALL!!!!For one who has a mind to comprehend, this is for them...The kingdom of God is in us, and all around, but if we cannot identify it and learn the root of the desire we partake in , then the kingdom will exist without us. Not everyone who will proclaim from their mouths, and believe in their hearts that they are saved by Christ, will find themselves saved at all. If salvation laid in what we spoke, than the creation would be restored, and no one would ever had been lost. Foolish are those who say this, and Ignorance is what binds them. Speaking this only admits it. The error which brought about this world has worked on its own version of truth vainly, ever intending to captivate weak minds into that which seems to be beautiful reality, but isn't.If one does not know where they will ascend to, and how they will, then WILL THEY REALLY ACEND? Seek and you should find, knock and it will be open, ask and it will be given. But when you do these things, only ask or seek for that which is beneficial to the eternal YOU. But if your too satisfied with life to seek, than you will not find. If you have not found, than what has been disclosed from you will never come to be seen by you, and what is on the other side of that door will remain a mystery. And if you do not exist in the kingdom, than what you ask for are things that don't exist either, being that you never inquired on that which exist. And to the one who is complete and full, and does exist, the prayers that are prayed, do not exist either. Understand this for those who it theirs to understand.
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