A new list of vices will be thought of soon hehe
I'll also re-add my loves and dislikes again at some point...I don't know when they disappeared!
I love my xbox 360, even if I am still rubbish on it and it's still in Mike's possession :(. It's kind of due to him that I was introduced to some of the following things. I can't really deny it. But just because things didn't work out doesn't mean these things are any less awesome. Here's a list of a few things I love.
Speedway Especially Belle Vue Aces (who I've been a fan of since I was born hehe), also Team GB in the world cup, the Brits plus Nicki Pedersen in the GPs.
Xbox 360 (even though I'm rubbish hehe) especially:
-Gears of War
-Mass effect
Rugby (although I don't watch it as much as I should)
Cricket (which I have to thank Kerrie for persuading me to watch).
Football (which I also don't watch as much as I used to or probably should, where it has always been about Manchester United and England for me).
Walks outside at night to see the stars.
Fun shopping trips.
Walks in the rain too. As long as it's a proper thunderstorm. Manchester rain doesn't count.
Pengy and Leo
Penguins and Lions
Music, Music, Music and Music. Though obviously rubbish like rap, r & b, hip hop, dance etc do not count as music. So mainly metal and rock music then.
Films, going to the Cinema, DVDs, all the usual kind of things
Also 50s/60s even some 70s music.
Getting into some anime...kind of Scott's fault for introducing me to bleach.
Generally, pirates. I'd love to be a pirate. I miss the pirate society actually having events =(
Reading, many different things. I love far too many books. They help me escape from the real world, which is always nice =)
.One thing I love is quotes that people come out with sometimes...some of my friends come out with the best ones...Anna has some classic quotes...not sure if I'm allowed to put them on here as they may embarrass her...bless her...another of my favourite people for coming up with amusing quotes is sarah (not sare...another sarah...)...favourites I can remember...
"Is the navy the one with the boats?"
"Lenin, isn't he the one from the beatles?"
Recent amusing quotes were from Katie...they made me n sare laugh a lot...
"What's metal? Is that rarrrrrrrrrr rarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rarrrrrrrrrrr music?"
"Emo?Isn't that a character from sesame street?"
about most of the music we listen to..."So it's like extreme Mcfly?"
About the sonata pictures in Winterheart's guild..."They look like the people out of shrek, you know the ones all dressed in green? Like princess fiona?"
One that only me n sarah n katie will get...
"I'll buy you some chips..."
One from Sarah W...in the middle of a geog revision class she came out with...
"Richard, can you levitate?"
I've asked permission from anna for her quotes to be published...bless her
"But unicorns are real aren't they?They're just extinct?"
"Mussolini, isn't that a type of pasta?"
"I didn't know Aston was so high up the league table of universities!" Me..."Anna, it's in alphabetical order :p"
"What's Belle Vue?"(what is the world coming to?!)
"I know it's wednesday, but what day is it?"
One from my diary...
"I feel like crying...I must be a manic depressant!" (how did i figure that one?)
"So what colour's blue then?"
"What flavour's raspberry jelly?"
"But Em, Moths eat light don't they?"
"But Jason Crap is crump!" (hehehe you do make complete sense kerrie!)
Beth from today...
"Put a wig on him and call him Kitty..."
Kerry from today
"His ears are bigger than his legs!" :o
"Oh well, at least we'll be able to get signal on our phones now!"
Rachel M...
"Jimi Hendrix, isn't that a snooker player?"
and...another Sarah comment...
"Em, do you know who those funeral people are?"
(thanks to sare for reminding me of these...)
and I'm now going to have Urs's comment which she left in a message...
"I found a bird stuck in my bush yesterday!"
Me and Beth today...
Ange "The Royal Holloway, London does my course...anyone know anything about it?"
Beth "It's in London."
Ange, "Helpful!"
Me, "It's in London and it's called the Royal Holloway?"
Ange, "But where abouts is it?"
Me and Beth, "London!"
Another classic Sarah quote...as given to me by Beth...
"Shrews?They're a type of bird aren't they?!"
Sarah..."I wanna be your dad when I grow up!"
Hayley..."Sonata Arctica? Aren't they the meatloaf people?"
Sarah..."Em, why are you eating a big pot of mayonnaise?"
Gem..."That's not nece CELERY true!"
Me..."Well in that case, gem can have sare's chicken, and sare can have gem's nuts...oh fuck, that sounded so wrong!"
Kerry..."If the sun goes east to west, why do birds fly south in Winter?"
Rachel B..."You're always knackered sir. What do you do at night?!"
Hayley today..."You can't be a terrorist, you don't have a beard!"
..."I don't trust men with beards!"
Some random person in the fitting rooms at debenhams "Omg, I'm so fat...I need a size 10!" (It was Jane Norman sizes as well...I was in shock for like 10 minutes!What is with these people?!)
Someone who may wish to remain anonymous...lol...
"She does have some quite good qualities...like a car?"
And a completely different one...
"Sorry sare I thought they were rabbits!"
No, they would have been her etnies :s
Conversation with one of the Brownies on wednesday
"Are they vans?"
"Are you a goth then?"
Mrs Russel
"The common room is shortly to become a breeding ground..."
...She apparantly meant for germs :P
Mr Phillips
"You clarinets don't like to tongue, just blow!"
Kerry today, about one of the balloons :P
"Stop blowing on my boob!"
Quotes from Paris
"It's like phone sex, but without the phone!" Georgina West
"It's like phone sex, but with windows!" Jenny May
"Boys, I'm in room 112...!" Mr Phillips
"Do you find men that look like trees attractive?"
"I don't think he's actually a tour guide, I think he's an actor posing as a...
completely inept idiot!" Mr Phillips
"I don't mind sharing the double bed with someone, unless you two want to sleep together!"Jen
"The problem with X is that his brain is 200 times bigger than his penis!" Jenny May hahaha
Other muchly amusing quotes...
"When carbon and hydrogen get together, then things get dirty!" Mrs Russel
"Phospholipid membranes, they're everywhere you can't escape them!" Mrs Russel
"If you could see your insides, you might take things a bit more seriously!"Mrs Russel
"You don't want to come back as a xylem tube, that would be a bit of a dodo!" Mrs Russel
"I think we're an attractive couple!" Jenny
"Well, you're attractive and I make us a couple!" Jen's ex
"If olive oil's from olives, where's baby oil from?" Steve
"I really snneakky like you..." Kerry...not really a proper quote as it was sent in a text but it made us all laugh...Beth luckily corrected it for her before she sent it!
"I want to punch him, then kick him in the balls!"Sare ok...strictly this isn't an actual amusing quote but it made me laugh bless her =)
"I wonder what he wishes was longer...?"Martin after one of lys's comments about james
"You have life insurance, why don't you kill yourself?!" Urs (after a random discussion in history!)
"A happy emo? Isn't that a contradiction in terms!" Me
Hayley "I fell in love with his hair!"
"I think I like them cos they sound like the old blink stuff. As well as the fact that they sing songs about having poo on their shoes with their pants down"
Holly, "Well done hayley, raise the level of conversation"
Hayley, "I didn't say what hair!"
Martin "You know it's serious when they start calling each other straight!"
Hayley "You can always hide inside my magic glove!"
Sare "You can take me then."
Ursh "I'll take you anytime Sare!"
Anonamous "You have to get behind the yellow line or you get sucked off"
Kerry n Beth "drop, jump & pull" (u don't wanna know what they're talkin about!)
Train from crewe "Hit it with a badger, hit it with a badger, stuff with baked potatoes and add a little sauce...wrapped up the badger, dropped it on my toe...my toe...owwwwwwwww...motherfucking badger, motherfucking badger, motherfucking badger die yeah!" (long story!)
Anna "It's like a swingers party!"
Katie, after falling down the stairs twice "It must be because i'm wearing heels...and I normally wear trainers..." Nothing to do with the fact you're drunk then!
Someone to Gem "I'm gonna bury my head between your two boobs"
Gem "Well I haven't got three have I?!"
(I don't know it was funny at the time)
"You're simply a pest, you should be under arrest, worse than anyone, anyone I've ever met..." Brayford's new version of simply the best
Mrs Russel "Have you seen what Mr Riding's wearing? Go and see him and ask if you can turn him on..."
(so so wrong)
Someone that I can't remembers comment..."Turn him on and he'll flash you"...so so so wrong
"So a wall fell down, and loads of people got depressed" Kerrie
(yes of course...that is exactly what the wall street crash was)
"Switzerland and the other Scandinavian countries" Frogman
"Lava can be hot" Frogman
"Or a short term problem like death" Frogman (this man is teaching us geography)
"Homo Sapiens? Does that mean gay people?" Jaime
"He's gone, but the smell is still here!" Hay
"It's not length that counts" Mrs Laidler
"You've got lots of nice dangly bits don't you?!" Teacher X
"That's a bit of a pain in the bum isn't it?!" Teacher X to her gay friend
"Is that a seal or a dalmation?" Sarah
"What does a common ancestor mean?" Sarah
"is that the show where the children got poofed?" Urs
Hay "My phone is making weird noises"
Anna "Maybe it's about to explode? My hairspray made weird noises, then it exploded"
Beth "Kerry, you can have my balls."
Hay "I would be a fridge but I don't have the right suction."
Rhi "If you emerse your body in water for 6 months, would you rot?"
Sarah "But you wouldn't be able to breathe!"
Sarah W "Richard, do you levitate?" 2004 haha
Mrs Evans 2004 "What's history?"
Sare "He's got the intelligence of an egg"
Sare "Why should you feel bad, when he's such a bastard?"
Sare "if he upsets you i will eat his head"
DavyH "tell sare add some HP sauce, maybe some low salt and perhaps a nice red bordeaux to wash it down?"
Liz "People are the plague of the world...we aren't though...we're cool"
Hay "no one is as religious as rob jackson not even god i dont think"
Hay's sister "hayley do you like the dragonface people?"
Me to sare "Fuck Off...I love youuuuuu!"
Lys "Do you think I can use mint imperials as earplugs?"
Lys after our discussion on train "we're like overlapping petals, a flower without a middle...oh well at least we smell nice and look pretty!"
"He kept calling me beautiful, I was like shut up or I'll throw up in your mouth" anonymous
"I could do a better English accent than him" Gem (maybe cos you're English hun?)
pointing at a glass of milk "that comes from cows" anonymous drunk
Sare "vicky had lobster syndrome," (meaning she was sunburnt)
Alex "oh ive never heard of that, what does it do "
Liz "having ur cake and eating it...isnt that the point?"
customer "have u got any non alcohol wine?"
will "yeh ribena"
Liz "we don't have issues, we just hate people"
"we might as well be on a nudist beach" Anna
"get that wasp off my sandwich!" The saw doctors...but adopted by hayley
"I'm prawn crackered!"
"well she's not gonna piss through her trousers is she?!"
"say if you were on fire I wouldn't piss on you" DavyH
"If I was, he'd be long gone" me "in a mincer" davy
"I'm sure one of my baby guinea pigs is a kitten" Sare's mate
"It's in a zoo, of course it's dead" Kerrie (yeah that makes sense)
*while sitting at the top of a tall tree* "aww look at all the little people, dont it just make you......"*looks all innocent and cute* "kill them all???" Liz (isn't she just the loveliest person ever :P, love ya hun)
"Halloween, nah I don't agree with it, Bonfire night yeah celebrating burning Roman Catholics that's so much more like the church" anonamous quote (very funny though)
"He seems to be bowling, so the batsmen can get bats" Me (I do get cricket honestly :p)
"I hope you drown in a puddle" me (ok I didn't actually say it but my mind thought it up)
"I can see why most girls think we're dickheads tbh" Alan
"You never see a black ghost, do you?" Alan
"alcohol's not bad for you is it? It just makes you more rock and roll" Will
"It sounds like a typical thing written by you...you know it is a load of nonsense, but you write it in a way that sounds good/clever - its really annoying!" Kerrie
"I have come to the conclusion that all people in manchester are drunk" Sare
"We're from motherfucking finland" Children of Bodom
"I'd love to be a gay guy for a day" Hay
"Is that rice in the burger?" Hay
"As if you'd live for longer eating a chocolate nobble a day..." Hay
"Eating a chocolate knob?" Anna
"It's not my fault she doesn't have a g-spot or a cliterus" Will
"Just you wait, it will screw you over soon enough" Andi (about my laptop)
"It's not male, I don't think" Me (well it made me laugh)
"Milk has spazzed keys" Me (typed rather than said)
Mum "children who bring teddies will get in free"
Me "Do you think they'll believe I'm a teddy?"
"What's up?" "I just got covered in Crepe." Hay
"I'm terrible, I put anything in the toilet." Anna
"But humans don't tell themselves to produce milk!" Anna
"Neither do cows" Me/Lysi
"How do they hurt cows by milking them? Do they not let them go to the toilet?" Anna
"I love old men, especially ones like that. It's alright, they like me back...they keep asking me on dates...I wish younger men liked me." Anna
"WC, washing cupboard?" Lysi
"You mean water closet?" Hay
"You're like love's answer to Father Christmas" Anna
will add more as i remember them
You Are 30% Normal
You sure do march to your own beat...
But you're so weird, people wonder if it's a beat at all
You think on a totally different wavelength
And it's often a chore to get people to understand you
How Normal Are You?
I still stand by my not needing to meet anyone else...I know some of the most amazing people in the world. I know people that will stand by me no matter what and who are always looking out for what's best for me.
My mum, is the most amazing woman in the world and I love her to pieces. She is always right about every situation, I'm not sure I've ever done anything against what she's said that has turned out to be the right thing for me. She is also always there when I need her, even if it makes her late for work
My sister is also awesome. While we argue a lot, she's always there for me when I need her. She also tends to think that she's acting in my best interests.
I have some truly awesome friends who've been there for me through a lot. People that put up with me even when I'm utterly depressing or a complete bitch or just generally annoying. These people make me happy.
but still I'd like to meet...
People that change history...especially those that change it for the better
The few left of my friends that I haven't met yet
In superficial kind of people you're supposed to write...
I'd also like to meet Nicki Pedersen again, because he's just ace and pretty...regardless of what anyone says. He also said hi to me which made my day a few years ago hehe :P
Jonathan Trigell again for the same reasons as Nicki, and not just because he gave me a copy of Cham free.
Sonata Arctica because they're just pure brilliance and I love everything they've ever done...So jealous of Andi & people for meeting them. One day.
People that I can actually help or who can help me fulfil my aim of making a difference, even if only in a small way.
I have decided to follow suit of some of my best friends with the not having a top friends list thing...I hate the idea of ranking people...it's like putting a price on friendship I guess, and to some people these damn friendship list things mean wayyyyyy too much...
So basically...the people I love know who they are...if you're in any doubt you can always ask me! There are so many people that are important to me, that have been there for me through a lot, that disagree with me about various different things but get over that and are there for me regardless.
..+1 These are a few of the bands I like
Sonata Arctica
Children of Bodom
Within Temptation
In Flames
Lacuna Coil
Billy Joel
System of a Down
The Saw Doctors
and a few others that I like...
All-American Rejects
The Animals
Armor For Sleep
Avenged Sevenfold
The Beatles
The Beautiful South
Bowling For Soup
Bruce Springsteen
The Byrds
The Calling
Cat Stevens
Celtic Woman
Chesney Hawkes
Chris De Burgh
Darren Hayes
Dean Friedman
Dreams of Freedom
Dream Theater
Elton John
Elvis Presley
Flogging Molly
Fountains of Wayne (well 2 songs)
Go Betty Go
Good Charlotte
Hedgehoppers Anonymous
James Taylor
Joni Mitchell
The Kinks
Less Than Jake
Manfred Mann
Meat Loaf
The Moody Blues
The Offspring
Olympos Mons
Ore Ska Band
Phil Collins
Poets of the Fall
The Proclaimers
R.E.O. Speedwagon
Racer X
Reel Big Fish
Savage Garden
Simple Plan
The Small Faces
Symphony X
Tim Hardin
The Who
The Zombies
Loads of others that I can't remember atm, and most of my parents music as well (well their old music stuff from like the 50s, 60s, 70s and even some 80s is awesome)
Gigs that I have been too...
Sonata Arctica with Epica & Ride the Sky
Sonata Arctica with Pagan's Mind
Greenday with New Found Glory
Simple Plan with the Glitterati (sp?)
Good Charlotte
Avenged Sevenfold
Dragonforce (twice)
Story of the Year
The Kooks with Jamie T
V Festival 2005
V Festival 2006
Unholy Alliance 2006 (Slayer, In Flames, Lamb of God, Children of Bodom and Thine Eyes Bleed)
All American Rejects with Motion City Soundtrack and Towers of London
Scarling (twice)
Armor For Sleep
My Chemical Romance
Funeral For A Friend
Lost Prophets
The Proclaimers
System of a Down
That's all I can remember for now...
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Pride And Prejudice (the original with colin firth of course :P)
V for Vendetta
A Knight's Tale
Coyote Ugly
Robin Hood
Back to the Future (s)
Sleepless in Seattle
Disney Films in general
Indiana Jones
Bridget Jones
Bridget Jones:The edge of reason
10 things I hate about you
Pirates of the Caribbean 1 & 2
American Pie Series
Never Been Kissed
She's all that
Legally Blonde
The Shawshank Redemption
Bring It On
Back to the Future
The Land Before Time
Sweeney Todd
The Golden Compass
Breakfast at Tiffanys
Tears of the Sun
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Love Actually
Bruce Almighty
Chronicles of Narnia
and again loads others that i can't remember!
adopt your own virtual pet!
I don't watch much tv anymore...
Waking the dead
Messiah 1,2,3
Doctor Who
Fawlty Towers
Jonathan Creek
Father of the Pride
Family Guy
Have I got News for you?
Roswell High
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Ugly Betty
Will and Grace
Charlie and Lola
Muffin the Mule
Foyle's War
The Simpsons
I can't remember what else...whatever's on really...music channels more often than not...or sport e.g. speedway, cricket and rugby :D!
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||| 56%
Stability |||||||||| 40%
Orderliness |||||||||| 33%
Accommodation |||||||||||||| 56%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 70%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||| 63%
Mystical |||||||||||| 43%
Artistic |||||||||| 36%
Religious |||||| 30%
Hedonism |||||||||||| 50%
Materialism |||||| 30%
Narcissism |||| 16%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 50%
Self absorbed |||||||||||||| 56%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||| 56%
Need to dominate |||||||||||| 50%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Avoidant |||||| 23%
Anti-authority |||||| 30%
Wealth |||||||||||| 50%
Dependency |||||||||||||||| 70%
Change averse |||||||||| 36%
Cautiousness |||||| 23%
Individuality |||||||||||||| 56%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||| 70%
Peter pan complex |||||||||| 36%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||| 57%
Histrionic |||||||||||| 43%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 63%
Vanity || 10%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Female cliche |||||||||||||||||| 76% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
Again too many to mention...so just a quick selection of them...
BOY A - Jonathan Trigell, amazing book, lovely author
Cham - Jonathan Trigell (is also a pretty good book)
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night time - Mark Haddon
The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy & the Hobbit-JRR Tolkein (one day I'll read Silmarillion (spelling?) too
Pride And Prejudice-Jane Austen
In fact anything by Jane Austen
Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
Bridget Jones 1 & 2 - Helen Fielding
Dan Brown books
Alex Rider Series - Anthony Horowitz
Tess Of The Durbevilles - Thomas Hardy
Far From The Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy
The Shopaholics series - Sophie Kinsella
Daughter - Ishbell Moore
The Alchemist - Paul Coelho
The Andrey Kurkov books
The Dave Pelzer books
Sophie's World - Jostein Gaarder
most of the classics, war and peace was actually alright lol, Philip Pullman, Thomas Hardy, Meg Cabot, Anne Of Green Gables books, George Orwell, Harry Potter obviously
There are loads of people I look up to...too many to mention really...
I don't care what anyone says...my mum...she is amazing. I don't know what I'd do without her
People that have been through loads of pain and suffering and given up things for others like Mother Theresa
My friends
Music heroes-all of the bands I like I guess. They're awesome especially when you can completely relate to the songs they write.
People I know who have been through so much and survived it all and still stayed the wonderful, fantastic people they are...I don't know how you do it but I really admire you for it!
People that are always happy like Hay or Andi...how do you manage to stay happy all the time...you're always smiling, and always make everyone around you smile!
Famous women from history...the kind of people who showed men that women are just as good as them, Elizabeth 1st, Suffragettes/suffragists etc etc etc
People who have stood up for what they believed in, in a positive way...MLK, Martin X, Gandhi etc