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Zeitgeist movie page

About Me

Thats all you really need to know is to go to Zeitgeistmovie.com or just watch below You need to have 2 hours to see it and an open mind. This has been censored and removed several times from the internet so it is important to watch it as soon as you can .As we are all adults I will not be sharing personal opinions we are old enough to draw our own conclusions see this for yourself feel free to share what you think on the comments section
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I'd like to meet:

---Yes things will change unfortunately it will be a little while. Until this movie reaches the media and goes mainstream the majority of the population will not know about this. All we have is the ability to spread the word about this to everyone and anyone that will possibly listen. Its only until enough people get outraged enough to become outraged enough to march the streets and protest. Unfortunately we live in a nation that is far from free. We live in a country where we are afraid of our government. Our government wants us to believe that we are free because if we all understood the truth of the matter people would be so outraged that they wouldn't allow this to happen. Tell everyone to see this film it can and will create a movement.---make your copies but distribute them wisely. If you have already been telling people to see the movie and have had a lot of people make excuses then you know what I mean. wait till it goes more public Most do not have the time for the truth because they are not even aware of the fact of how important it may be. literally some of the most intelligent people I know have made excuses about how they will see it later, don't have the time etc. Out of about a hundred text messages I sent out the other day with the link to the movie there were about 5 people that actually saw the movie to completion. there were about 10-15 that started to watch it and couldn't make it past the religion section ( I know its a little lengthy and can be reduced some not to mention the first 5 minuts of this film is trippy music). Having said that an open mind is required to finish watching this film. then there were about 20-30 people who wanted to ask me a hundred questions about the film instead of actually watching it. I have learned from experience that the second I start explaining it the message already becomes diluted with my opinion which creates more questions people have which is why I told them to see the movie in the first place. So now I respond simply that we are old enough to decide for ourselves what this film means to each individual. I also tell them that Surely we have all spent 2 hrs of our time at some point in life doing something meaningless or a waste of time rather than being open enough to watch a documentary that could possibly be life changing.

My Blog

I am amazed and it is beautiful

The emails continue to pour in about this film and the friends requests are coming in. I am glad to see there are so many people who want to get involved. The one question I keep getting is "how do I ...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 15:31:00 GMT