Science, band, friends, music, etc...
Jesus, and uh...I don't know...people who are nice and cool(?).
Rock, ska, instrumental, most stuff aside from country or rap.
Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Spiderman, Batman Begins, Italian Job, Ocean's Eleven/Twelve, Pride and Prejudice, the Matrices,
RARELY watch it...and all watching really consists of is football games my brother and dad are watching, and car shows. Otherwise I just flip channels looking for something, realize I'm wasting time, and go do something else.
Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, a few random Star Wars books, Blue like Jazz, Sanctifying Myth, and other random books
God, My sister Laura, My brothers Tom and Joel, My sister-in-law Natalie, Albert Einstein, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis