Lora profile picture


"I've got better things to do than survive."

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My Interests

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Ani Difranco


Ani Difranco, Alanis, Jack Johnson, BNL, and tons more. I love a lot of different music. However, my driving time is often spent listening to the Laurie Berkner band, Disney children's songs, or The Lion King soundtrack. It's amazing how much power a 4-year-old has!
Ani Difranco - Shy via Noolmusic.com
Upside Down lyrics - Jack Johnson lyrics Upside Down Video - Jack Johnson Music Videos Music Videos by VideoCureMushaboom lyrics - Feist lyrics Mushaboom Video - Feist Music Videos Music Videos by VideoCure


Some of my favorites have to be Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, Blades of Glory, and Good Will Hunting. I love movies, it's hard to pick. Nothing like a great funny movie or a real good scary movie.

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I love Scrubs, House, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, and re-runs of Sex and the City and Friends. Also, I can't stop myself from watching the tryouts for American Idol.


Because I'm an elementary teacher, I read mostly children's books. The Giver is one of my favorites. The movie should be coming out soon!


My mom, though I'm biased, she raised 3 pretty great kids. I'm just now realizing what a tough job that is.