who am i, you ask? are you really going to read this? the internet is a marvelous creation, sometimes. it's funny how addicting it can be. bringing people together from all over the world. how cheesey am i?
anyway, about me. what you see is what you get. hmm, that might not be 100% true. i'm honest and real. nothing fake about me. i'm easily entertained, yet easily bored, but i'm very open to new things. i'm not very creative with my words, and i think that's what makes me real. i don't pretend to be what i'm not. masking who i am through clever wording. i have a college education that i'm VERY proud of, and a student loan debt to prove it.
my interests: BUCK HUNTING (it's an arcade game, no i'm not a hick), playing pool and sucking at it, i am a pro at making bullshit shots. i like going out to the club and having a good time, i also like laying my lazy ass on the couch watching TV & Movies. I'm not that lazy though, i go to the gym 3-5days of the week...it's my release... I love watching Football, college basketball, and baseball post season...my attention span is only so-so, perhaps i have adult A.D.D. my thought process is a little strange, so i randomly blurt out things that may be off subject, but keep in mind, i'm still listening to what you're saying.
i'm a certified athletic trainer...no that does not mean i'm a PERSONAL trainer. i'm addicted to myspace surveys though i wish someone would come up with more interesting questions. i love christmas time only for the fact that Little Debbie comes out with her Christmas Trees
Valentine's Day is only cool for ONE reason...and ONE reason only..Lil Debbie is my Guilty Pleasure thanks to:
...i am addicted to lemonade & baby corn. i don't like candy all that much. i can't cook, i'll warn you right now, i am limited on the things that i can. i've fucked up ramen noodles, on more than one occassion. maybe the reason why i'm about the same size i was in high school, 8 yrs later.
i'm too nice for my own good, yet i CAN be a bitch (i'm a girl, it comes with the territory), i'm funny, goofy, arrogant (family seems to think so), modest, shy, quiet, loud, perverted, obnoxious, serious, hyper, calm, happy, predictable, unpredictable, southern, loving, indecisive, stubborn, materialistic, giving, honest, trustworthy, loyal, intelligent, and tests have shown that i can be an idiot from time to time....i'm everything and a bag of chips.
feel free to holla at me anytime. ciao for now.
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