Jay Tee profile picture

Jay Tee

It's not easy being easy.

About Me

My name is Jt. I go to midlands tech now, but graduated from White Knoll. I'm 19. I play lacrosse and love watchin baseball. If you wanna know anything else ask :-p.
*aBoUt Me*...
Know as: Jay Tee Money
Lives in: Red Bank
Birthday: April 22nd
School: Midlands Tech
Religion: Christian
Shoe Size: 11
Hair/Eye Color: Dirty Blonde/Hazel
*HaVe YoU EvEr*...
Cheated on someone: Nah
Been cheated on: Prolly
Fallen of the bed: Not that I can recall
Broken someone's heart: Don't think so
Had your heart broken: Yup
Done something you regret: Only about 643643262672 times
Cheated on a test: Duh
Wearing: Nothing
Listening too: Bun B
Location: China
Chatting with: No one in paticular
Watching: Porno lol jk sportscenter
Should REALLY be doing: Your mom :-)
*Do YoU*...
Brush your teeth: Who would honestly say no to this?
Have any piercings: Yea
Drive: Yep
Drink/Smoke: Y/N
Got a cell: Uh huh
*LaST pErSoN yOu*...
Hugged: Brittny
Kissed: Brittny
Yelled at: Kenny to answer the phone at work lol.
What do you wanna be when you finish colllege: Drunk as a mofo
What has been the best day of your life: March 4th
What comes 1st in your life: Food
Have boyfriend/girlfriend: Of course I do
What are you most scared of: Your Face
What do you think about be4 you go to bed:
Have you lost someone you really loved: Yea...
Movie: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Song: Way to many to pick one
Singer: Mike Jones, Bun B, 50, Jeezy
Store: Hollywood Video duh lol
Relative: My 3rd cousin on my aunt's side that is friends with someone who knows a guy that shook hands with Jim Carey
Sport: Lacrosse
Ice Cream: Chocolate I guess
Fruit: Strawberries
Candy: ..... :-)
Day of the Week: Saturday
Time: 7:42 PM
Color: Blue
Name for a girl/Boy: Who/Cares
*dO yOu*...
Like to give hugs: Why not
Like to give kisses: I guess so
Walk in the rain: Hell no
Sleep on your side, stomach, or back: Little bit of all
*WhAT dO YoU tHiNk AbOuT*...
Abortion: I say mind your damn buisness
Smoking: If you want go for it
President Bush: Fix my gas problems or get assassanated
Gay Marriages: As long as they aren't my neighbors
Single or Taken: Taken
MTV or BET: Both
7th Heaven or Dawsons Creek: Neither
Sugar or salt: Well it depends on the food.. that is a dumb ?
Silver or Gold: Silver
Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate
Color or black and white photos: Color
M&M's or Skittles: Skittles
Stay up late or sleep in: Well if you did one you would prolly do the other
Happy or Sad: Why would you want to be sad....
Mexican or Italian: Italian
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi

My Interests



I'd like to meet:

Mikey Powell

Kyle Harrison

Sidney Rice


I pretty much listen to anything. I do like rap the most though. I guess it depends on the mood.


Mainly funny movies. I'll watch just about anything though. I do work at Hollywood Video.



What are these "Books" you speak of?