Yanko Brekov was born in the cold november of the communist year 1975. Krasimir Kerkinov (Kemmy) was born and raised just couple blocks away from Yankos family a year later. The same home town Pomorie Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. Pomorie is a penninsyla. Great source of inspiration for many poets, artists and musicians. That where Yankos first music and lyrics were born in early teen age years. Yanko, still playing bouzouki and Kemmy started the band metal Artery in the summer 1989. Artery had the opportunity to perform several countries as Netherlands, Czech Republic, France and they even rocked the Roxy in Los Angeles. Kemmy dropped out of Artery after the army, and Yanko continued Artery with other people untill today. But, passion for acoustic music turned stronger in their mind and Yanko decided to return back to Balkan roots. From playing his bouzouki in the streets to whoever wanted listen to him, to performing clubs with his old forever mate, Kemmy, on acoustic guitar. This new project is the hard and soul of many nations threw the Balkans the blood sweat and tears of many generations and only has the purpose to entertain audiences into a journey in Balkan spirit.
Sometimes The Pomorians need an extra power and these are the times that they call they good old friends Huby and Vasil.
Huby (Nicolay Hubinov) is the bass player of Artery, Yanko met him on the first day at high scool in Bourgas in 1990. They became instant friends sharing information and passion over the heavy metal and hard core music streams at the time. Five years later after the school and army were finished, Huby left his old trash-core-metal band Kartzer and came to join the Artery family till today!!! When a duo is not enough for a certain show or a tour, he comes to give a hand with a great fat basss in any stile. Huby rules!!!
It is an honour to be able to play with Vasil Voutev on drums. He is known aswell as Vaseto from Piromania band. It was a very popular band back in the day, still is but does not exist anymore (too bad!). He is highly talanted and super educated musician from sofia, that just like the rest of us lives in amsterdam. He finished the music conservatory in sofia with percussion and piano and Amsterdam music conservatory with jazz drums. He carries a great persona and never stops smiling when he plays. Vasil played at some of the most prestigious events on the planet including The Montreux Jazz Festival in Swiss and North Sea Jazz Festival in Den Haag.
For the moment The Pomorians is considered still a duo.
Huby and Vasil are Guest musicians but you never know in the next couple of years what could happen!!! Stay tuned and believe me, there is a magic, a special power, something unexplainable, something cool about this whole crazy thing called The Pomorians!!!