My name is Jasmine, but everyone usually calls me B&B or Blade... I'll accept either. I am currently seventeen (as of April 2008), though I will be turning eighteen pretty soon. I absolutely love writing poetry, but I will write an occasional short story. I am working on (and heavily editing) a novel.I am a big fan of satire (Jonathan Swift), Gothic (Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne), and controversial nonfiction (Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins). Like many I love the Harry Potter series and weathered through the Twilight series out of mere curiosity.Sweeney Todd is probably the best thing that's ever been exposed to my eyes. I absolutely love Tim Burton's portrayal of Sweeney (played by Johnny Depp), the magnificent darkened scenes, and the God-awesome story! The best part about watching it for the first time, was watching it with my very best friend! ^^I read a lot about religion, such as Modern Religions, World Religions, and so on. I hope to become a Religious Studies professor, despite my occassional attacks towards them. I believe religion is something to be taught for entertainment... as mythological stories that, nevertheless, contain value. I do not believe religion should be practiced; their are too many people who practice irresponsibly. We are too old as mankind for this... it's like seeing a forty-year old living with his mom.All cynicism aside, I was raised Catholic and am still Catholic--only on paper. I very much cherish my past as a Catholic, wholeheartedly, and I personally feel that I owe a lot to the Church for making me the person I am, today. I appreciate everything I have gone through (from Catholic school to Confirmation classes) and the One I believed in, but now, I have realized that I must grow up and let go of the imaginary friend I called God... yet, that does not mean I have any hard feelings; I still revisit the Church and celebrate Catholic holidays and stay true to my saint name, Maria Goretti... "Virgin 'til marriage."But, back to the writing, you may see a lot of controversy... or simply nice-flowing poems. Either way, I enjoy writing them, and hope that you will enjoy them too. As a disclaimer, however, you will most likely find a dark, twisted little girl with a pen, paper, and a laptop.Ironically Yours, Blade and BloodHehehe, my favorite bed-time story: "A Little Piece of Heaven" by Avenged Sevenfold
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You Are a Humanitarian
You're so intuitive, it's like you have a sixth, seventh, and eighth sense.
You connect with others freely and easily - and you tend to have many best friends.
Warm and caring, it's hard for you to close your heart to anyone.
Affection is like air for you - you need to give and receive it to survive.
Your strength: Your universal compassion
Your weakness: Your unpredictable mood swings
Your power color: Mauve
Your power symbol: Butterfly
Your power month: February
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Blogthings: Cheaper Than a Therapist