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If you dont know me then i will let you know a little about me i have two beautiful little girls i am currently in a realtionship with there daddy who cares alot bout his girls he dont play when it comes to them but besides that i am a good mom my kids come first i dont neva have time for myself goin to the clubs drink in smoke in thats just not me and never will be so yeah you can say that i am a good girl i just dont want my kids grow in up think in that is right but besides my kids i am with the person that i love alot we have had are ups and downs but nobody is perfect i know people always want in to run to me tell in me he doin in this and that but there aint know way in the world you goin to find a 100% real nigga but he takes care of home and he do what he should do and on top of that he wants me to be his wife so you know what that means it sounds like we goin grow old together lol there aint nobody out there that can stop me from talk in to him and there haves been people to do that and on top of that there aint know man out there that can take his place so if you think that you can try and get with me its just goin be a waste of time because i dont believe in cheat in because what do they say karma is a bitch and that is true if you want to know more bout me then you can drop me a message but if you just come in to my page with drama dont even think in bout leave in anything just go ahead and get off my page NOW!!!!