justin, only better. profile picture

justin, only better.

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am me.
I am a new Uncle.
I can't wait to go
home and see my nephew!
I am in the Army,
and am currently deployed.
I will be in Iraq
until the end of this year.
[not yet sure exactly when I'm coming home]
But my home is
Modesto, California.
I live my life for my family
and my friends.
I will do anything
to make sure they are happy.
I am goofy.
In style,
in life.
I also look pretty goofy.
I'm like 6'5,
and all of what
175lbs? hehe.
Tall and lengthy.
But I'm comfortable that way.....
I love to help
people I don't know.
I'm really into donating.
And I hope to start
my own charity one day.
I don't drink.
I don't smoke.
I don't practice verbal sewage.
Straight-Edge for life.
I play the piano,
and every once in awhile
i'll pick up a guitar.
I'm just a simple guy
with a big heart.
I care a lot for people.
I care a lot to make people around me smile.
I make mistakes,
because I am only human.
And I never pretend to be otherwise.
I am growing everyday.
I am learning everyday.
Growing stronger.
Growing more patient.
Taking life in
one breath at a time.
Not trying to overachieve.
Not trying to step on anybody's toes.
Taking everyday for
what it is.
Learning something new everyday.
Forgetting something old everyday.
Enjoying life.
I know what I know,
and thats all I know.

My Interests

having fun
travelling to new places
trying new foods
watching movies
playing piano
other things

I'd like to meet:


Thanks for your time, you've been a wonderful audience.


i don't watch t.v. anymore.


books? um...

does harry potter count?


My heroes are people in my life who have taught me a great deal about myself, about life, and about its true meaning.

You know who you all are.

My Blog

To you.

To you: When you're out there chasing your 'cute guy crushes', and trying to find a guy who is everything you ever wanted. When you're chasing these 'crushes' and constantly being disappointed. Wh...
Posted by justin, only better. on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 04:57:00 PST

Whether or not I aim, this sand just isnt the same.

Whether or not I aim, this sand just isn’t the same.   This sand is coarse, much like I remember. Only a worse - gentler - than September, the last. More clever. More mask. A bit extinguisi...
Posted by justin, only better. on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 06:35:00 PST

Turn the page, I swear I havent changed.

Turn the page, I swear I haven’t changed.   My eyelids -break- they seperate, I sit up, I -lie- awake I’m afraid, I’m -aghast- At me now -the person- I’ve remodeled -to-...
Posted by justin, only better. on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 06:32:00 PST

Break my grip. Iraqs a trip.

Break my grip. Iraq’s a trip.   Two. Two continents the distant....A distance.... That uncouples life.....and me....A chilled wind. A frozen sea. The At-lantic, to be exact. An undulating a...
Posted by justin, only better. on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 06:37:00 PST

Set up station, for true motivation.

Set up station, for true motivation.   To my brothers -from- rather, a gift, for me. Your standing strength. Exemplaries for me, my lifetime’s the length. I eye up to you, ascertaining gene...
Posted by justin, only better. on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 06:36:00 PST

No frowns allowed downtown.

No frowns allowed downtown.   I take a walk downtown...and as I walk - on these concrete blocks, my family fixes firm on my thoughts, I’m passing through the smeared smell of rain, its soa...
Posted by justin, only better. on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 06:29:00 PST