At first, a 6 piece ska band was formed. they were the unibombers. or TUB for short. but this did not go well. things were out of hand. the band thought that a change in name would help things go smoother. So the name was changed to "Lemon Party". As you can guess, this name was also changed due to... obvious reasons. They became Up For Grabs, and invited two more members into the group, and started actually practicing. Then one day, the drummer's brother's band, The bottle Cap Bandits, hooked them up with a show. and mere hours before that, the named changed once again.
We are "Knights From Around".
The newest addition to the myrtle beach ska scene, the Knights From Around hope to bring back traditional ska methods to the local genre, while expanding and adapting on the idea of eclectic ska.
The members of Knights From Around include many people from Socastee high schools jazz band, which was named the best high school jazz band in the state early last year.
Tommy Cassidy- bass player and traditional ska enthusiast. tommy is a jazz and funk bassist that lends his talents to his friends in KFA. He is a bassist for every music program in Socastee Highschool and a bassist for the Long Bay Youth Symphony! Also he likes Stevie Wonder!
Austin Perry- Leader, singer, trombonist and co founder of KFA, austin perry comes from an eclectic mix of punk, ska, and reggae influences. a talented drummer and music writer, austin brings an essential element to the table and is key in arranging the bands music. He has recently given up his drumming throne to Nate, and can now focus on singing and playing trombone up front.
Nate- The newest addition to the Knights, Nate is taking Austin's place as a drummer, so Austin can play trombone and sing. Nate has recently moved to the myrtle beach area from Europe, and thusly, has a sponge Bikini. He will never get his license, but is planning on riding a moped for the rest of his life.
Zach "Bosco"- Zach is no child of ska music. He has never really played ska until this point, but he does it well. Zach is a fan of metal, and displays it in his solos. Proud member of the socastee high school jazz band, zach wants to expand his musical backround by exploring new genres.
Jon Miller- Jon Miller plays the alto saxophone. he wears glasses sometimes. he plays video games. he likes ska music. he has 12 cats. this section was intentionally written like "the old man and the sea".
Joe Barwick- Joe barwick is big. He's kinda lazy, but arent we all, and he likes fine dinning. but other than that, he is a good trombone player. joe barwick is also a member of socastee jazz, and also CCU's Jazz After Hours ensemble. he is a featured soloist in many songs, and plays with his Wii.
Patrick Killian- Member of CCU's various bands and former lead trumpet player in the socastee jazz band, patrick killian brings the power to KFA's horn section. With a bright orange beard, and 200 pounds under his belt. he's ready to bring on the loving.
Michael Mai- Socastee's solo trumpet player and KFA's only ethnic member, michael mai slams it down with his awesome skills. He is a member of an other band called "Mai Redemption" which is really just himself. He likes jazz, ska, and indie/electric music. He also has his own german space program.
Background from Google search result