Champ was born dec 3, 1989, he always had a passion for music and a love for the game, but he wanted more than to listen to those rappers on the radio, he wanted to be one of them. Champ grew up in a small town in Oklahoma where his passion for music first began. It was not until he reached th age of 15 that he started writing his own music and soon making music a priority. He writes constantly and puts in his fair share for the music. Champ is hoping to make a big impact on the game and share his talent with the world. He also is getting real positive feedback and getting noticed by some A&R labels. Young soldiers was a group Champ was in for a couple of months that consisted of 2 other members, but they all felt the urge to branch off and fend for themselves. He will continue putting in hardwork and trying to get it to pay off as long as he is alive, hoping for his dream to one day become a reality. Thank you for your suppourt and much respect!