Al BoOgiE.... profile picture

Al BoOgiE....

Do What It Do BaBy!

About Me

dAmN where to begin.....My name is Alexandra but nobody calls me that but my cuzin Amba B"... so You can call me Alex.My whole week is basically goin to schOOl.... wOrkin when im not in class.. then @ night I be @ dance Prac... and tryin to find time to chill wit my girls & my bOo...Im back wit EneRgy...Im hAppy to get back to the way things use to be.... Dancin is everything to me.... damn i missed it sOO much.. biG ups To ENERGY.. ya'll is my family...wE dOin big thangzz was aT the ApoLLo,United Nations,106 n park,Out in Cali wit Debbie Alan,Ohio competitions,Kilt them @ the New paltz competition and been so many other places.... cant sit here & write it all....I'm a full time student and work part time.Imma make the best of it and bust these few years down... my major right now is buisness administration but will prob be changin because i cannot make up my mind......i Love to dance.. Love to shOp... especially for earings and bags.. oh yeah and shoes... well i guess everything.... You can find me in the mirror all the time.. and no im not conceited...taking pictures is somthing i like to do almost everyday... i like to make scrap books.... and try to catch every memory in a picture or video.... loOkin back @ the old dayss is The BesT... cuz damn times do change & the years fly byeeee.. Other then that im a cOOl persOn to know and fun to be ArOund...

My Interests

