I make the good mistakes more than once.
I'm all or nothing in relationships.
I only worry about things I can't control. Can't, yes.
I love songs with great lyrics.
I believe in trusting intuition.
I'm really laid back.
I believe that actions speak louder than words, but I still need to hear the words too.
I try never to take myself (or anything) too seriously.
Sarah McLachlan & Matchbox 20 (done!)would be my dream concerts.
Sometimes I'm incredibly optimistic; sometimes I'm the complete opposite.
I only see the best in everyone; it's both a blessing & a curse.
I never hold grudges.
I believe everyone deserves a second chance if they're truly sorry.
I love to cuddle.
I'm into double-thinking.
I don't believe in quick-fixes.
I realize how fortunate I am, & I remind myself daily so that I never take it for granted.
I don't believe that all is far in love & war.
I believe it's never meaningless to apoligize.
I have a thing for accents.
I take far too many pictures (according to other people).
Sometimes I get depressed.
It bothers me when people can't say they're sorry.
I believe one of the most important things in any relationship is communication.
I am rarely in the city in which I supposedly live.
I think as long as a person is well-intentioned & honest, they can't really go wrong.
I believe that for every negative, there is a positive, & vice-versa.
I don't like to lose touch with people.
When I ask 'how are you?' I listen for the answer.
I'm constantly trying to understand why people do the things they do.
I think that if something is "meant to be," then it will.
I'm beginning to identify my patterns of self-destructive behavior; but identifying them doesn't correct the problem.
I've learned to hate anti-depressants.
Sometimes I just want to be left alone.
I believe in going w/ the flow; whatever that means.
I think we should always forgive, but never forget.
I believe that you can find the good in everyone if you care to look.
I'm always losing things!They call me the "absent-minded professor."
I believe that in the end, people usually get what they deserve.
I think we tend to find things when we aren't looking for them.
I've been studying Taoism for nearly seven years.
I like to take care of people.
I believe that we always see what we want to see, & hear what we want to hear.
I write obsessively, & when I'm not writing, I'm thinking about what I would be writing if I was.
"I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned."
I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, even when I doubt them.
I believe in putting as much positivity into the world as you can.
I'm bad at telling stories, but I'm good at writing them.
Fall is my favorite season.
I apoligize when I'm wrong.
I talk to K before she goes to school every morning.
It bothers me when people insist on being right, even if they are.
When I'm having trouble falling asleep, I sometimes write stories w/ borrowed characters in my head.
I take nothing & no one for granted.
I don't hate anyone.
I believe people always try to justify their actions to themselves.
People tell me that I'm funny.
I try to always live in the moment.
I have a dry/sarcastic sense of humor.
I believe there's always more to things than what we see on the surface.
"I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side."
I'd rather be w/ K than anyone else in the world.
My dream job would be a travel writer...(keep dreaming, right?)
I appreciate when books & movies end realistically.
A high school teacher changed my life.
The ticking of clocks makes me anxious.
I don't like it when people yell.
I don't watch sports, but I will always be a Steelers fan at heart.
I think there are many paths to the same destination, in terms of religion, & really anything else too.
I think far too much; I live in my head a lot of the time.
I think people should say what they mean, & mean what they say.
Some of my best ideas come to me in the middle of the night when a pen & paper are nowhere to be found.
Pittsburgh will always be Home to me.
I appreciate the simple things in life.
I don't like to be told what to do, even when it's said nicely.
"I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye."
I was raised Catholic, & I was even an altar-server for a couple years.
If I tell you I love you, know that I completely mean it because I don't say it unless I do.
I love when it storms, especially at night.
I'm not afraid of silence.
I've been in love with three people total (& one of them is K).
I never go to bed mad at someone.
I appreciate when people are real & flawed & genuine & honest.
Sometimes I like being alone.
I never paint my fingernails.
I'm not shy, I'm just quiet.
I believe that certain people come into our lives for a reason that we may not ever fully understand.
I pretty much collect quotes.
I'm loyal to a fault.
I'm done trying to live up to other peoples standards; I just do my thing.
I always tell people what they mean to me.
I don't know that I believe in coincidences.
When I fall in love, I never look back, even when I know I should.
I believe that most people that come into our lives have something to teach us if we look for it & are open to learning.
I'm easily entertained.
I twirl my hair all the time without even realizing I'm doing it.
I've lost a ridiculous amount of loved ones.
I was "born & raised" in Pennsylvania; but I "grew up" in Arizona.
I don't have any secrets. Ask me anything.
I've taken an anti-depressant for so long that I don't know if I even need it anymore, so I'm slowly weaning myself.
I seem to always fall for unavailable women.
I can reread books I really like.
I believe that happiness is partly a choice.
I like when people are moved by books.
I think K saved me, & in return, I'm saving her.
I always read w/ a pen so I can underline quotes & passages that I like in books.
I'd do anything for someone I care about.
I have never dated or slept w/ a boy, but am open to it (though it'll never happen).
I never have taken off the bracelet K gave me in 2006.
I love white wine.
I fly on airplanes so often that sometimes I forget where I'm heading.
I've been a vegetarian for eleven years.
I think kids are fantastic, & that adults could learn a lot from them.
I think selfish people are totally unacceptable.
I've learned that some people will never ever change.
I realize after many heartaches, that most of the time, I set myself up for it.
I've begun to realize that some people actually like it when people are mean to them.
I can't stand self-proclaimed martyrs.
I don't think we should allow another person to have control over our happiness, but I know most people do anyways.
I don't mind traveling alone.
I also don't mind going to the movies or restaurants alone, & I think that bothers other people sometimes.
I don't like to dance, but I love to watch people do it.
I believe you get what you give, even if you don't get it right away.
I try not to bother w/ things based in negativity.
I sometimes still dream in Spanish.
I'm like yin-yangs (& the meaning behind them).
If I ever get married, I'd like the wedding to be on a cliff at the Grand Canyon.
My favorite color is yellow.
I believe you can get most of the things you want by just being nice to people.
I think we should always remember where we came from.
I am probably too trustworthy.
I try to find the beauty in everything.
I think that in order to find yourself, you first have to lose yourself.
I like going for walks.
I can't understand racism; people are people.
Someday I want to drink hot chocolate & go ice-skating in Times Square, holding someone's hand.
I'm crazy about my two dogs.
I believe everyone is a constant work-in-progress.
I'm undecided on the ideas of fate & destiny, but I live as though I wholly believe in them.
I think naivete is relative.
I really appreciate polite people.
I don't really like hot weather.
I've never had a one-night stand because I think I'd feel empty in the morning.
I am what I call "spontaneously-planned."
I'm very much used to getting what I want (which can be a problem).
I believe in Karma & it's lessons.
I listen to music every single day.
I think the innocence of children leaves them too quickly these days.
I think old people are fantastic.
My grandparents all helped raise me.
I think the answers to life's problems are found in nature.
Being lost in Paris & not knowing French, was one of the more humbling situations I've ever been in.
I have two tattoos, so far, & I think I want more.
I get annoyed when people say they are going to call & then don't.
I believe that some people completely waste their life away.
I can't understand how some people say they don't like children.
I am terrified of becoming completely jaded; I'm presently only about 50%.
I'm totally into photo-editing software.
I believe that in the end, you'll only have yourself to answer to.
Someday I'll take K to eat ice cream on the Eiffel Tower; we've talked about doing it for years.
I love going to the movie theatre.
I collect snowglobes for my little sister; I travel & buy them, & she displays them in her room.
I need everything to mean something, & sometimes that's a problem.
I've learned that some people repeatedly make the same mistakes over & over, & sometimes there's no helping them.
I can't be in a relationship w/ someone who I can't have an intellectual conversation with or who doesn't like kids.
I love that all of ASU smells like honeysuckles in the spring.
I have trouble believing that this is all there is.
I try not to watch/read the news because it's all so negative.
I only eat Hershey bars & Oreos w/ peanut butter.
I think most everything comes full circle.
I'm drawn to children.
I've learned that saying 'I miss you' when you know you won't hear it back is just another way to torture yourself.
I've learned that trying to change anyone is a futile effort.
When I like or am in love w/ someone, I never have any interest in anyone else. That is both a blessing & a curse, depending on the situation.
Sometimes life just blows me away.
I question everything.
I always try to be reading a book.
I believe history always repeats itself.
I've always felt a decade older than I am.
I believe that if you "free your mind, the rest will follow."
I used to be fluent in Spanish, & I'm trying to regain that.
I don't mind riding buses as long as they come on time.
I used to be a a volunteer group that picked up the strewn belongings of immigrants who crossed the border that were left in the desert.
I love Europe, especially Dublin.
I think "life sucks for people who say life sucks."
I used to be in a lesbian sorority.
I am most awake at night.
I pay attention to politics, but only during election seasons; it's like a sport for me.
I'm a big family person.
I've never read a Harry Potter book, but I've seen all the movies.
I am probably too much of a people-pleaser; I like to make people happy.
I love trying to figure people out, but I'm not very good at it, apparently.
I'm a die-hard romantic, & I hope that never fades.
I sometimes worry I'm gradually becoming jaded.
I'm all about trusting your instincts.
I'm numb to goodbyes anymore.
I think everyone needs to be in touch with their inner child.
Cats, birds, & bugs creep me out.
I believe that real love never dies.
I'll try almost anything once.
I'm very introspective.
I've read almost everything Nick Hornby has written.
I love it when people are deep, & not afraid of it.
I always say the wrong thing.
I'm the world's biggest procrastinator.
I love when people can say what they feel, even if they're not very good at it; it's the trying that counts.
When the mood strikes me, I make collages out of magazine clippings.
I think if you love someone, you say it whenever you feel it.
I daydream a lot.
I'm probably too introspective.
I usually sleep on airplanes.
I like doing stealthy good deeds.
I know my way around Pittsburgh better than any other city, even though I haven't lived there since I was 12.
I think it's so much better to give than to receive.
I don't know what I'll do when I don't have flight benefits anymore.
Time commitments scare me; I like to be open so I can come & go as I please.
Relationship commitments don't scare me.
I'm a writer, so naturally I crave experiences.
I'm fascinated with psychology.
I am full of useless trivia.
I don't really believe in strenuous exercise; I think the body works better when you work with it, rather than against it.
I'm excellent at geography.
I don't like to be told no.
I moved a ridiculous amount as a kid; which resulted in me switching schools a grand total of eight times before high school.
I am ambidextrous in most everything except writing.
I love traveling to historical spots.
As a kid, I always brought stray animals home, including squirrels.
I can't even begin to fathom how someone could truly be racist.
I like to bake (even if I'm not great at it).
In high school, I couldn't have cared less about who was Prom Queen.
I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat people they don't know.
I've learned that someone are just plain mean.
I was 18 my first time getting drunk.
I've broken my skull, nose, wrist, & toe.
I'm not so great at standing up for myself, but I don't think twice about standing up for someone I love.
I've never dated someone younger than me, & I don't plan on it.
I read and write to escape. That's probably also why I enjoy traveling.
My life is full of deja-vu moments.
I faux-married my dog as a little kid; K did the same to another dog of ours last year.
The striking parallels between K's personality & my own as a child fascinate, scare, & amuse me.
My mom's fiance was pretty abusive to me when I was a child.
I had pneumonia when I was 7, & was in the hospital for 8 days.
My step-family is Mormon; my real family is Catholic; I am neither.
I managed to get through both high school & college without ever taking a chemistry class.
I've been going to bars since I was like 18.
I'm not such a great driver.
I've always wanted to learn how to fence.
I have a photographic memory.
I'm extremely visual; I see things as a movie in my head when I remember them.
I think high school teachers can directly change lives; I know mine did.
I love Christmastime, but not Christmas.
I never liked trick-or-treating as a kid, but loved handing out candy & scaring people; K's the same way.
I love children's art.
When I was in Paris, I used more Spanish to get around than French or English.
Even though I was born at 3:27am, I'm not so much a morning-person, but I can pretend that I am.
I am a leg-tapper/shaker; I don't know why. Nervous habit?
I'm friends with Arizona senators & state representatives.
My mom tells me I sneeze like a baby.
On my dad's side of the family, three out of four of my great-grandparents were Irish (two were born in Ireland), & one was German. On my mom's side, all of my great-grandparents were Irish, but all were born in the US.
I believe your body tells you what it needs.
I was a squeaky-voiced, wicked smart, fiesty, bold, stubborn, little smart-mouth as a kid. Looks like I've changed a lot.
I really really like old people & children. It's everyone in between that confuses & frustrates me.
I played with my dollhouse until 8th grade, making up stories for all the people in it.
I always sleep with socks on.
When I was little I used to go into haunted houses alone at Halloween, because my sister would always chicken out.
When I was a kid, I was big into really scary movies; now I can't stand them.
Romantic comedies tend to bore me because they're usually very predicatable. I do have a handful of exceptions though.
I secretely read tabloids; but I never buy them.
I am the complete opposite of my sister Brenna in nearly everyway except genetics, & I'm fascinated by that.
The only chore I don't mind is vacuuming.
I think Kate Winslet is pretty much the most beautiful woman alive.
I think Jude Law is a very pretty man.
I pretty much walk everywhere.
I get seasick, even on cruise ships.
I'm fascinated by other cultures, & almost moved to Mexico, alone, when I was 15.
I taught myself Spanish.
I think older women are ridiculous attractive. And by older, I mean like ages 30-45.
I flatly refuse to play Games when dating, even though I've been told I should. I'd rather everyone just be upfront & honest & real. Why not?
Every day I worry about getting depressed again, because it's pure hell.
My younger sister is in the Army.
I ate ice-cream on the Eiffel Tower.
I have a step-sister & a step-brother that live in Florida. They are 15 & 11.
I really hate shaving my legs; I think it's incredibly annoying.
When I was a kid I desperately wished I had been a twin.
When my mom was pregnant with me, her doctor told her that I had spinobifida & that she should abort me; I owe my life to her getting a second opinion.
For years I was the only one who knew how to work my dads tv/dvd/vcr/tuner, etc. He'd call me in Arizona from Pennsylvania, every time he wanted to turn it on.
I never make just one New Year's resolution; I usually have a list of them.
I let K mix her play-doh colors together.
I can spend hours wandering bookstores.
I don't really like going to malls.
I went to a Catholic school for eight years.
My mom was younger than me when she was gave birth to me.
I saved my sister Brenna from being kidnapped at McDonalds when I was about six & she was about four.
My eyes get really really light blue when I cry; otherwise, they're just blue.
I didn't work during high school.
I designed my first tattoo.
I have a genetic blood disorder (from my mother) than makes me more susceptible to blood clots, & because of that, I can't take birth control (not that I need it anyways! ha).
I have a picture with Barack Obama.
I don't believe in yelling at children (or anyone else for that matter); I think you should just talk things out.
I was one of only three white children in my classes all through in elementary school; never phased me, but my parents always talked about it.
I am the only Democrat in my family; my mother is in beliefs, but is a registered Republican because of her husbands insistence on it.
Everyone in my family cried when I told them I am a lesbian. My sister Brenna wouldn't look at me for a week; my mom was accepting of it, but cried for a week; K cried for like ten minutes, was weird about it, then never cared about it again after that & became my biggest fan; my grandma still thinks it's a phase, but loves me nonetheless; my dad doesn't know yet.
I wasn't in love with the person that I first had sex with, but she was in love with me.
I was given a private tour of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, & I trekked up the 543 steps & up the series of spiral staircases to the top of it's dome (best view in London).
I don't like sci-fi.
I have no memories of my parents being together.
I had no interest in going to prom in high school because I couldn't go with who I really wanted to go with as my date (a girl), but my friends made me go anyways, two years in a row.
My dad's "adopted" family is Italian, & I grew up around them, so i feel culturally Italian-American as well as Irish-American. & spending the last decade in Arizona has made me feel a tiny bit Mexican-American as well.
I was in the White House on my 20th birthday.
As a kid, I was basketball, softball, & bowling teams, & also took gymnastics, ballet, & piano lessons. I didn't like basketball. I did gymnastics for three years, softball for two, and the rest for one year each.
My mom was my 3rd grade basketball coach.
My grandma was my 4th grade English teacher.
I like to share good books with people.
I always pick chocolate over vanilla (except in icing).
I think how people treat children & animals says a lot about them.
My dad taught me how to play poker when I was just a little kid.
Both of my dad's parents died in Florida of heart problems.
I don't think anything is black & white; it's all shades of gray.
I can understand homophobia, but that doesn't mean I agree with it.
I still have everything past girlfriends have given me; it's mainly a collection of jewelery & shirts.
I think teachers should be paid more, & athletes less. Teachers spend 1/3 of the every day for 2/3 of the year in a room with your child.
I won't let K play with toy guns, with the exception of water guns.
Every girl I've ever dated is strikingly similiar in physical appearance, gestures, & speech patterns. It's fascinating to me.
I am obsessive about my hands being clean.
I believe in smothering children with kisses & hugs.
When I lived in Pittsburgh, a tornado came down our street & uprooted trees.
By age 21, a total of three people have asked me to have children with them; one was a boy, one was a friend, & the other was a gf. I turned down all three.
I only have four biological first cousins; but I claim seven because of my dad's "brother's" kids.
I'm legally not allowed to drive a vehicle at night without my glasses.
I drove drunk only once, & it was in the Texan countryside.
The only thing my (divorced) parents have in common besides my sister & I, is they both have a great sense of humor.
As a kid, I enjoyed playing with boys more than with girls.
As a kid, I spent much of my time running around the neighborhood with friends, getting into all sorts of trouble.
I was a finalist in a spelling bee in 7th grade. I've always had a knack for spelling.
I have a chicken pox scar beside my right eye & a scar on my left hand from a curling iron incident.
I can't eat grilled cheese sandwiches without either kethcup or tomato soup.
I liked to hang out in closets with flashlights as a kid; I'd read a lot in there.
I'm excellent at memorizing things. I used to be really proud of this, until I found out that memorization is the lowest form of intelligence. Ha.
Although I lived in Pennsylvania for 12 years & have spent much time at ski resorts, I've never skied.
I can't ever remember a time when I didn't know how to swim.
I'm not sure what I believe happens to us after we die.
I've smoked marijuana a handful of times, but have never been high.
When I was a kid, I asked my grandma why God hadn't waited for me to be Jesus' mother.
The girls I've dated have been so ridiculously beautiful that I can't believe I actually dated them.
I refuse to carry a purse; I usually carry a bag thingy w/ me.
I've been journaling since I was about ten years old.
I think kids in elementary school thought I was a big dork because I was so quiet.
My sister Brenna & I used to look so much alike that we passed for twins quite often.
Ellen DeGeneres waved to me.
I was obsessed with Whoopi Goldberg & Elizabeth Montgomery, as a child.
I used to watch 'The Practice' and I'd write down their closing arguments & memorize them. I'm weird.
I love electronics & gadgets & whatnot.
I was the best biology student (had the highest grade) in my high school.
Dates I'll never forget: Jan 21, June 26, Dec 2, Mar 14, Aug 7, Feb 25, Oct 8, May 10, Apr 23, Apr 30, May 20.
I've never even tried seafood.
I love gardens.
I'm obsessed w/ K.
I've studied all the world's major religions.
I'm so deep that I think it scares people sometimes.
I'm a big family-person.
I believe that a lot of "people use thought to not participate in life."
I believe that Fear can ruin us.
I believe that Love can set us free.
I never have regrets, only lessons.
I'm writing a book.
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