Raven Von Soren profile picture

Raven Von Soren

Or Heather....the biggest nerd ever!

About Me

Personal Mantra....take a look around...all we are is energy so we must be happy with what portrait we are painting in our life journey don't limit oneself because anything is possible...when this particular life is over we should be grateful for what we've been given...a chance to see clearly and to create whatever we want for ourselves. Challenges are beautiful, hardships make you appreciate, hate makes you love deeper, and each moment can be eternal happiness.
Listen up! I won't add any request to be my friend without either knowing you or if you don't it would be nice to shoot me over a message....I get numerous requests a day and it's tough to get through them all.
The current summer of 2006 issue of "Girls of Lowrider" features two of my photos with Glen McDowell (of course!) please turn to page 64 to see them!
Please run out and buy this very special book, it contains a photo of yours truly among the other very cute pinup gals.... "Hot Rod Pin-Up's" by David Perry! Buy the Book!
Also you can get a back issue of Garage Magazine Issue 5 that has a fashion photo spread in it that I did last year. Magazine Website
The month of(Spring/Summer 2006) Garage Magazine (Issue 9)also has a fashion spread of yours truly in it. Check it out, we got to shoot at a racetrack!
******* Always looking for HOT ROD cars and trucks to shoot with......will provide professional photos to the owner for their own use! *******
LOVES: music that touches my soul, deja vu, intuition, good food, margaritas on the rocks with salt, sewing, Whole Foods, coffee, discounts, vintage clothing, pin-ups, the fleeting moments of absolute clarity in utter chaos (my life), organic, roses, the smell of lemons, red lipstick and black eyeliner, blush, bikram yoga, black peep-toe heels, self-help books, chow mein, animal print, "stopping time" with photography, reading, fabric, fireplaces, tivo, my wedding day, red nail polish, mints, shrimp, icees, dental cleanings, never having to wonder if I'm making the right decision in life, happy babies, "rave" music, dreaming, the ocean, stars.
LOVE TO HATE: motion sickness, late fees, bad ethics, whoever dreamed up the 5 day a week work-week, allergies.
I would love to hear from everyone out there who is looking for friends or networking. My status is: TAKEN so please don't contact me for anything like that!
Here are a FEW of my favorite shoots!
meoww, you're the sex kitten. One pose and you're
on fire! No wonder you have all the men
drooling over you ;)
What Pin Up girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Va-Va-Voom! You're inner Bombshell is Mae West.
You've definitly got a lot of wit, a lot of
smarts, and you know how to use people to your
advantage. Ever heard the phrase "doesn't
take any crap from anybody"? Well that's
you! Just like Mae you never want to settle
down, and can't imagine being with just one man
for the rest of your life. You don't care about
conventions and have no filter from your brain
to you mouth. Check out the movie "She
Done Him Wrong" to see your inner
bombshell in all her voluptuous glory!
Who is your inner bombshell?
brought to you by Quizilla

Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

I love all Music, Movies, Dancing, Singing, dancing around the house while singing in my underwear;), Sitting around Reading a good book, Hot Rods, Photography, Sewing, HOT YOGA, Coffee, Doing Makeup, Retro, Pin-up girls, Garage Magazine, tarot, vintage clothing shopping, Ebay, Esthetics, writing music, dreaming, Cirque du Soleil, collecting antiques, kayaking and biking.


AFI, Oingo Boingo, Social D, David Young, Justin Timberlake, Morcheeba, The Horrorpops, Dwight Yoakam, Greenday, Jimmy Eat World, Linkin Park, Berlin, The Cure, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, No Doubt, Evanescence, Garbage, The Dandy Warhols, Judy Garland, Michael Buble, Nelly Furtado, Enya, Pat Benetar, The Bravery, Blondie, Sarah McLaughlin, Enigma, Frou Frou, Chris Cornell of Audioslave, Delerium, Dido, Red Hot Chili Peppers, still gotta have my trance music too, Siousxie and the Banchees, Maroon 5, Seal, 3 Doors Down.Music Video: GIVE IT TO ME FT NELLY FURTADO AND JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE (by Timbaland)

Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone


Butterfly Effect, Napolean Dynamite, American Beauty, Bubba Ho-Tep, Garden State, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Bowling for Columbine, Harry Potter series, Pulp Fiction, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Finding Nemo, Gia, Gothika, Kate and Leopold, Nightmare Before Christmas, Hackers, The Good Girl, The Machinist, The Last Supper, Vanilla Sky...anything with dark humor is my fave, Empire Records, Sweet November, Corpse Bride, The Prestige


Carnivale that WAS on HBO, Lost, Medium, Anything on The History Channel or Discovery, Prison Break, Grey's Anatomy, America's Next Top Model, Project Runway, Heroes, Hell's Kitchen.....that's about all the tv I watch, more of a movie fan!


I LOVE Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden and How to Make Love Like a Porn Star by Jenna Jameson, anything by Kevyn Aucoin, also anything by Jennifer Weiner....I like anything about finance/investments and photography....definitely a fan of Don Miguel Ruiz's books. And anything that makes me think. I also really love books by the Rich Dad Poor Dad series and Suze Orman.


Petra Nemcova, Carmen Electra and Heidi Van Horne....and my sister LauraGet Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Blog

Blog about my sis!

Here's a great article on my sister and what she has been through in the past few months.  The great thing is that she's getting better faster than anyone expected.  :) http://theunion.com/a...
Posted by Raven Von Soren on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 01:05:00 PST

Celebrity Look-a-likes!

Posted by Raven Von Soren on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 09:07:00 PST

Attention Models! Summertime Shoot with Glen McDowell !!

Famed wedding and pin-up portraiture photographer, Glen McDowell will be in Sacramento for one weekend only!  July 29-30th for a local car show called "Midnight Mass". He is now taking reservatio...
Posted by Raven Von Soren on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 09:53:00 PST

More Raven Photos!

Check 'em out ya'll! http://www.modelmayhem.com/member.php?id=11707 http://profiles.retrokitten.com/RavenVonSoren  ...
Posted by Raven Von Soren on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 06:08:00 PST

New photos with Glen McDowell

Well I've had the good fortune to work with the amazing Glen McDowell for my second time last month.  The first shoot was super cool and this one was definitely my favorite of all time!  He ...
Posted by Raven Von Soren on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 08:54:00 PST

Salinas Boys Website

Just wanted to letcha all know about the super cute tanks and t's I got to model over at www.salinasboys.com!! Trust me, they're so cute and look fabulous on!  Head on by to check out my new phot...
Posted by Raven Von Soren on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:18:00 PST

Goin' off and gettin' hitched!

Well to those who know already, this isn't a surprise!! But I got engaged to a wonderful guy in November...on his birthday no less:)  It's been a great two years and it seems like it's getting be...
Posted by Raven Von Soren on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 09:53:00 PST

New Venture!

I wanted everyone to see what I've been up to lately.  So please check this link out for details..... http://www.myspace.com/ravensphotos All I am using right now is a digital camera but I ...
Posted by Raven Von Soren on Sat, 17 Sep 2005 12:32:00 PST

Buy your own RAVEN VON SOREN poster here!

Hello all, I've had a few request for where you can find an actual pin-up poster or photo of yours truly and I've got a link for yah!   http://vintage.artehouse.com/perl/options.pl?imageID=6735&a. ..
Posted by Raven Von Soren on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Please join and bookmark my websites:) Raven's Yahoo Group: http://www.ravenvonsoren.robinluke.us Retro Kitten Site: http://www.retrokitten.com/272 One Model Place Site: http://www.onemodelplace.com/m...
Posted by Raven Von Soren on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST