Lucas profile picture


I won't be on myspace until July 8th 2007. You can email me at or better yet

About Me

What's up, well I grew up all over the place, I have moved 24 times and lived in 15 different places since I was born 21 years ago. One of those places was Papua New Guinea, that is where all these pictures are taken from. aaah about me? Well what I like to do is talk, I love to story. I really like it just sit around with a group or even just 1 or 2 friends and story. A lot of that has to do with the PNG culture that I grew up in. well I right now I'm livin in Denver. And I guess I'm shy? At least at first until I figure out what's goin on and I actually have something to contribute to the conversation, that when I'm in a group. But I'll pretty much talk to anyone one on one no problem.Aaah I'm an INFJ . . . for the most part. Thats right!World On Fire

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My Interests

I like to write.

And I'm an ex-BMX biker, and ex-Drummer (drum core stuff like that), I enjoy poker a ton. hmm I like to snowboarding, but I don't have time for it.... I like to cook as well.

Learning to say: "Yes Lord."

I'd like to meet:



I like pretty much any type of music, Yes even country, at times, but not so much rap, but it has it moments too. but I mostly like, I don't know what you would call it, modern rock, and I also like classical piano or Guitar. Like I said, anything. ummm Sharon Isbin is pretty good.ANGELS AND AIRWAVES!!! Jack Johnson! Counting Crows!! Yah check it out. And Spontaneous prophetic vertical worship is amazing. Presence Worship (which is different than vertical worship) is by far something unexplainable amazing. Presence Worship isn't something you can just do. God literally walks into the room and then it just happens.


I don't mind going out to movies every once and a while but... when it all anybody want to do I get sick of it.

But that's just me.
What movies I like...ummm well Tombstone is a good movie, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Mavrick, lol Rounders I hate to say it but I like that movie. Ummm chickflicks aren't bad either haha French Kiss, You Got Mail, Pride and Prejudice, Breakfast at Tiffanys.Hitchcock films are great. Oh yah and the Marx Brothers I love those movies...


I try to stay away from television cause once I start watching it I just get sucked in and end up watching it all the time. So I pretty much just don't watch it.


I have a long list of what I want to read... I want to read 52 books this year... I wonder if I can do it. Right now I'm reading:
21 Short Stories by J. D. Salinger,
Mere Christianity - by C.S. Lewis
If On A Winter's Night A Traveler - by Calvino, Italo
The Waves - by Virginia Woolf
The Possibilities of Prayer - by E. M. Bounds
The Richest Man in Babylon - George Clason
The Frequencies a Poem - by Noah Eli Gordon
TCK - by Pollock and van Reken
Books I've read lately:
2007: 23/52
Carry On Mr. Bowditch - by Latham (Jan-12)
Evelina - Frances Burney (Jan 23)
Northanger Abbey - by Jane Austen (Jan 26)
The Hobbit - by JRR Tolkien (Jan 27)
Sense and Sensibility - by Jane Austen (Feb 15)
The Fellowship of the Ring - by Tolkien (Feb 27)
Pride and Prejudice - by Jane Austen (March 3)
Frankenstein - by Mary Shelley (March 11)
Mansfield Park - by Jane Austen (March 14)
The Two Towers - by Tolkien(April 1)
Emma - by Jane Austen (April 4)
Persuasion- by Jane Austen (April 15)
Never Let Me Go - by Kazuo Ishiguro(April 16)
The Return of the King - JRR Tolkien (April 28)
The Practice of the Presence of God - Brother Lawrence (May 8)
Lord Teach Me to Pray - Kay Arthur (May 9)
Henry IV part one - Shakespeare (June 3)
Henry V (almost) - Shakespeare (June 5)
As You Like It - Shakespeare (June 8)
Much Ado About Nothing - Shakespeare (June 9)
Macbeth - Shakespeare (June 13)
King Lear - Shakespeare (June 18)
Tempest - Shakespeare (June 20)
2006: (40/52)
Out of the Silent Planet - by CS Lewis,
Screwtape letters - by CS Lewis,
Frankenstein - by Mary Shelley
Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare,
Narritive of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave, Written by Himself- This is a book every person should read!
Winesburg Ohio - by Sherwood Anderson - Excellent read it.
The Five People You Meet in Heaven - by Mitch Albom.
To The Lighthouse - by Virginia Woolf (twice this year)-- Simply Stunning.
1984 - by George Orwell- Ok I'll admit it, I had to hold back some tears.
A Grief Observed - by CS Lewis
Lost in the City - by Edward P Jones
Crime and Punishment - by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Brave New World - by Aldous Huxley
Franny and Zoey - by JD Salinger
The Great Gatsby - by F Scott Fitzgerald
A Room Of One's Own - by Virginia Woolf
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - by Stephen Chbosky-- worthless.
Nine Stories - by JD Salinger
Dandelion Wine - by Ray Bradbury (I'll be reading this book every summer)
Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction -- By J. D. Salinger (I need to read this again)
In Search of the Source -- by Neil Anderson
Tuesdays With Morrie - by Mitch Albom.
Angels and Demons - by Dan Brown (On tape)
Holiness - by Henry Blackaby
A Pale View Of Hills - bu Kazuo Ishiguro
Heart of Darkness - by Joseph Conrad
The English Patient by Ondaatje,
Othello - by Shakespeare

The Immortal Class - by Travis Culley,
Interpreter of Maladies - by Jhumpa Lahiri
The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman
The Waste Land and other poems - by T. S. Eliot
Catch 22 - by Joseph Heller
Superbia! - by Dan Chiras and Dave Wann
Atonement - by Ian McEwan (first book that I've wept this hard from since 1998)
How We Are Hungry - by Eggers (not in anyway recommended.)
Blue Like Jazz - by Donald Miller
The Clearing - by David Keplinger
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - by Douglas Adams,

Catcher in the Rye - by JD Salinger,
Clockwork Orange - by Anthony Burgess.
Books on my list to read:
Till we Have Faces
That Hideous Planet - all by CS Lewis
Paradise Lost - by Milton (the whole thing)
The Grapes of Wrath - by John Steinbeck
The rest of the Hitchhikers Series - by Douglas Adams
Some Thomas Hardy books
Peace Like a River - by Leif Enger
The Things The Carried
Go Tell it on the Mountain - by James Baldwin
The Secret History - by Donna Tartt
Guns, Germs, and Steel - by Jared Diamond
The Last Tycoon - by F Scott Fitzgerald
The Prophet - by Kahlil Gibran
A Prayer for Owen Meany - by John Irving
House of Leaves - by Mark Z. Danielewski
Slaughterhouse-Five - by Kurt Vonnegut
One Hundred Years of Solitude - by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Midnight's Children - by Salman Rushdie
Redeeming Love - by Francine Rivers
The Brothers Karamazov - by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Dubliners - by James Joyce
There are more but I can't remember right now...

If you have any question on any of the book I've read lately, or suggestions, let me know =D



My Blog

Think what you will. . .

Want to hear something REAlly crazy awesome!!! Okay so last winter I strained something in my heel while snowboarding. Like the place that my Achilles tendon connects to my heel. I don't know what hap...
Posted by Lucas on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 10:20:00 PST

Breathless with Love (I’ve posted this elsewhere so . . . yeah)

As I sat down to write this I really didn't know what I would write about. This past week I have been reading Psalms 136 seven times a day for seven days straight. This morning I did not have to read ...
Posted by Lucas on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 09:43:00 PST

Okay . . .

Who on earth is reading my blogs?!?I'm not even on myspace hardly anymore and get views every week. This week alone I have had, as of today--wednesday--93 hits. What the heck?!?So if you read my blogs...
Posted by Lucas on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 09:35:00 PST

feels like home

So here I am in one of my favorite places in the worldthe airport. Why? Well, I not completely sure, but maybe it is because it is the one thing that hasn't really changed in my life and because so m...
Posted by Lucas on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 09:29:00 PST

After The Fact (a very short story)

-That was the first time we hugged.-Huh . . . Really? After all that time?-Yeah, well . . . yeah I mean, I don't know. I'm not really that kind of person. Just not who I grew up to be.-But you two wer...
Posted by Lucas on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 04:48:00 PST

An unexpected distraction from homework.

    So here I'm typing away getting a lot done and the new next door neighbor, who is four and has a new big wheel that he is riding around, decited to sit and pay me multiple visits as...
Posted by Lucas on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 04:50:00 PST

A Psalm

The sun seems to have set too soon. The white acres darken and dim back to shades of grayness just after the sun seems to have risen upon this cold winter world. Everything is cold. Everything is dead...
Posted by Lucas on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 08:47:00 PST

At the Foot of the Mountain.

(before you read this I urge you... don't read this on Christmas. It has no Chirstmas cheer. I say this because I don't want to make serverly depressed on this holiday (if indeed I have written someth...
Posted by Lucas on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 01:03:00 PST

Parental Advisory...

Parental Advisory Contains Christian Content. (and forgive me for typos etc. it's late) Today, while driving about 10 miles an hour in a blizzard that whitened the skies and the roads, I had a co...
Posted by Lucas on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 01:48:00 PST

Not About Love {revised}

Not About Love We went over that bridge out through the gate, to the other side of the fencethe other side of the river. Away from our homes and houses and friends and family&away from protection an...
Posted by Lucas on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 11:48:00 PST