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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well here I am kicking and screaming but I'm still FINALLY here on MySpace. Now what the hell do I do?

Make a scrapbook - it's easy! ..table

My Blog

39+ week update

OB appt this morning. I'm only 1/2 cm dilated. Lost my mucus plug this morning. I'm due Monday, Oct. 13 but it seems like they feel we'll be surpassing that date. So I have an appt. for a non-stress t...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 19:25:00 GMT

37 1/2 week update

Since the last appt. I've really been trying to be more active. It has been uncomfortable, full of more uterine contractions and low back pain because of the increase in activity. But it seems like it...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 19:47:00 GMT

36 week update

My blood pressure is great (99/68) and the baby's heart beat and activity level is still perfect. I'm off bedrest now and have been a little more active this week. That brings on lots of braxton hicks...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 07:58:00 GMT

32 week preggie update

It has been a long summer of bedrest!! Finally we've made it past the danger point!!! If baby boy was born tomorrow he'd have wonderful survival rates. My doc breathed a big sigh of relief and congrat...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 10:37:00 GMT

irritating not understanding technology

ok, why is it that no one knows how they post photos in the body of their bulletins but I get bulletins with photos from most of my friends?? ok, I'm gonna try to post a photo here and see what happen...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 21:43:00 GMT

Stumbling along ...

hey all! I've finally joined MySpace. But I'm here for work -- to research and investigate the Biz use possibilities here. Problem is I'm stumbling around trying to figure out how to use all this tec...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 21:36:00 GMT