the name's beth.
i'm 18.
and i'm finally a graduate at blazer high school. *09 bby!
i have 2 parrots, Sammi and Kiwi.
i love playing in the rain.
I have a friend. Fuh-fuh-fuh-lisha. She's pretty much the shit.
my 3 most favorite things are my ipod, cell phone,
and my red 2000 pontiac grand prix gt.
i love bright colors.
music = ♥
i like just about every genre but bluegrass, ick.
i really dislike being in big crowds of people.
especially if I don't know the people in the crowd.
i'm single
i love random photography
and crazy makeup.
This is the best movie i think i've ever seen!
When you live forever, what is there to live for?