oh yeah and i'm pretty typical in that i am a major fan of hugs and kisses and affection in general..
Myspace Graphics
i've decided that no matter what i do, good and bad things will happen to me. so it's best to take the bad with the good and just enjoy life :). you live, you learn, you have a blast, you get screwed over, you kiss in the rain, you get a speeding ticket, you play in the park at night, you get your heart broken, you spill your red koolaid, you win a trophy, you fight with your mom, you cry at a sad movie, you flirt shamlessly, you find a song you are in love with for a week, you regret a mistake, you love and hate someone at the same time, you smile at pictures, you get tears in your eyes from riding a motorcycle, you get excited for the future, you hold hands under a blanket, you make out on the hood of a car, you eat til you are sick... and you are that much better off for having lived : )
some ask "why?"
others, "why not?"
some see an obstacle
others an opportunity
some are content with their limitations
others see them as challanges to overcome
some wish only for mediocrity
others would never settle for such
some cry over heartbreak
others dry their tears and find someone better
some dwell on their mistakes
others learn and move on
some waste their time comparing their lives to others
those others are out there... living their lives and finding happiness
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MySpace Graphics