Quote of the week: Mr. Furious (April 14 th )
Don't mess with the volcano, cos I will go POMPEII on your butt.
ABOUT ME:Irish. Vegan. Straight Edge.
I've recently managed to lose ALL the numbers out of my phone. Send me yours if you think I should have it.I play in a couple of bands, Cornered and Another Day In Hell .
Cornered are still looking for a new vocalist. We've got a whole bunch of new songs and are looking forward to playing them. Eventually.
ADIH recorded a bunch of songs last year, and a couple are on our page right now. We recently put out a numbered 3 track demo, and there are still a couple of copies left. You can get it on our page.
We recently decided to split up. I'm heartbroken, but that's how it goes. Our last show is going to be on July 20th at Demented Fest. Come and dance and kill everyone around you.
I also put on shows and release records for local bands under the name Half Shell . Things are slightly quiet on that front, while I sort out other aspects of my life.
Against all odds, I am all about the good times.
Currently, these good times involve preview screenings of Forgetting Sarah Marshall, new phones, being cool, Paul Crawford and Noitu Love 2 .
Tour homies '08
[email protected]
Blog - Hello, Young Lions