cory ♥ michelle profile picture

cory ♥ michelle

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me - Myspace Codes

MySpace Layouts

kiddles -sisters not cousins -green lips -borrowin eachothers cloths -RENT! -swimming in tha ocean -skinny dipping -zebbs -ripping window screens -blowing in tha room -picture names -constipation -im drawing my feelings -4/20! -bath/showers -you think we look alike? Now Look *ugly face* -APRIL have my weed! -im black, im soo sry that your white! -i met JMAC, &&omg he's sooo hott -munchies -egg sandwiches -smores cookies -McGriddles -Hi, this iz cory i juss wanted to say that i have always loved you! -MARCY -unshavedness -anaversary presents -4/18*6/17 -sitting on your floor -horse porn -cell phones -douche cocoa's -funny face *foot flies accross room* -2 hour prayers -anivirsiries! -burning my finger from gum on fire -lit -im tellin Michelle this one=) -we got happy!! -"who's your best friend?"..."YOU!!" -vaginaty -watch my boobs!! thay go in circles -Reeces Puffs!! -KIDDLES STOP TALKING... omggg i've been talking?? -banana twinkies -1st real hook up -Girls Nights -volume on 100 -my stomach hurts -BIRTHDAY SHIT! -singing really loud -i have to shit...COME WIT ME! -Lilac Queen -thriller, thriller in tha night Ooh you wanna fight in n* night?! -okay hoodlum...OOPS I MEAN NE*! -we're gunna be famous -PENIS -boobie fuckingg -bugger&&kiddles -Kathryn Cory Kathryn Kathryn Cory -doopa neeka lu -yeah we're Cory and Kathryn Friedman Kleiman...&& we have better things to do than drugs BITCH made by Kathryn E. Friedman, and I love her soooo much

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

*Youu baby!*


Myspace Layouts


Myspace Layouts

.. width="425" height="350" ..
me&josh ^^^