Cadium Red profile picture

Cadium Red

About Me

MUSHROOM BLOSSOMS LIVE AT THE RED HOUSE IN WALNUT CREEK BRAINWAVE LIVE AT THE AFRICAN AMERICAN CENTER SFWsup everybody this is Cadium red. it composes of joe bamm, jonny blaze, nene, luis, and ricardo daka. we started this music thing back in 2005, just messing around in joes room with broke ass drum sticks, an old beat up guitar lol (sorry joe) and a pillow for drums. we just started jamming out to some of our favorite music one day and making it our own style, and now were doing our own songs. we ended getting more instruments and a mini studio so we can some what start perfecting our sound, and we got a lot of passion for music and were very diverse in different genres of music. mostly rock and hip-hop. were doing this as hobbies but you know if we got offered the mula, a contract and you know a bently here and there we gone lol. so this is us, hope you guys dig our music cause we aint gonna stop bringing the fire.

My Interests


Member Since: 27/06/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Joe Bamm-Guitar/Production
Jonny Tsunami-Vocals/Production
Ricardo Daka-Drums/Guitar
Influences:found this music layout
at HOT: :: MyHotComments
Sounds Like: our own $&!t
Record Label: Kramerica Industrial, the 4 b's records

My Blog

Check Out our Affiliates!( Young Mixes New Mix Tape)

Just to recap,JoeBamm's Cuzin Chris, a.k.a. Man Noodles manages our songs on myspace.  He is also a rapper(check out his page) and has his own dynamic duo going in the rap world.  His Boy "Y...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 00:44:00 GMT

Thanx to "Mac Noodlez" a.k.a. Cuzin Chris

Many thanks to "Mac Noodlez" a.k.a my little cuzin Chris for helping us set up the "Cadium Red" Music page. Check Mac Noodlez out on his official web
Posted by on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 13:03:00 GMT