Ladies, please don't look for a man to complete you, let God do that....a man should COMPLIMENT what God has poured into you. You are to be his helpmate not his Mama, not his provider, not his safe haven, let God be that for him. Let him be your head (your king) and you submit and be the helpmate and it will all work out. Submission isn't bad when he is following Christ - Paul tells us in the Word of God "follow me as I follow Christ" with that you can't go wrong in friendships, relationships, on your job , in your marriages, and especially in the church. Ladies, know who you are and love who you are even if you are messed up, then take that to God and let Him clean you up, use you for HIs Glory and begin to pull others from where you came from. He loves you or He wouldn't have went to the cross just for you and did what He did, knowing what He already knew. He loves you more than any man could ever think about and that is how a man is supposed to love us as Christ loves the Church