I'm boring...let's focus on important people!HRC 2008!
My good friend Trinity is fabulous & is going with cloth diapers. Save the landfills...go with cloth diapers. Here is a great website: Green Mountain Diapers.
Here are some other great resources on going green...Oprah did a show for Earth Day and her website features a lot of great ideas on how you can help the environment: View Website.
Some of my favorites include (Click on the Header for the website):
Reduce all of that junk mail your receive & plants trees.
Purchase produce and organic cotton bags to take when shopping at the grocery store instead of using the plastic bags they give you.
Shaklee Cleaning Products.
Order the Healthy Home Pack starter kit. It includes all your household cleaning supplies (Cleaning solution, Cleaning wipes, Laundry soap, Dish soap, Spray bottles, and much much more). You can also purchase washable cleaning rags & sponges! Other products that are eco-friendly that can be bought in the store include: Method & Seventh Generation.
BITS Ltd. smart power strips.
Even after turning off a computer, power continues to flow to computer peripherals like printers and scanners. This power strip ($32.99) stops the energy from being wasted. .
SIGG water bottles
Instead of continually purchasing water bottles, reuse a SIGG bottles. These water bottles are durable, inexpensive, can be used repeatedly and are widely recyclable. .
Earth 911.
Insert your zip code & find information about environmental services in your community