The National Animal Rights Association is a newly formed, voluntary, animal rights group based in Dublin.
We have many ongoing campaigns, and are constantly out spreading awareness through our protests, demonstrations and information tables.
We are also delighted to note that our fur campaign is run by one of Ireland's most prominent anti-fur groups, CAFT Ireland.
Whether it's a fur shop, a circus or a pharmaceutical company that funds vivisection - anywhere we find to be violating the rights of animals - we will be there. Will you?
Check out our official website:
Our information stall is out on the last Saturday of every month from 12 - 3pm, on Westmoreland Street/College Green (at the railings beside the Bank of Ireland). Feel free to come by and pick up leaflets, or stay and help out if you can.
THE FUR TRADE:50 million animals are killed for their fur every year.
The animals murdered by the fur trade every year include mink, fox, rabbit, chinchilla, raccoon, coyote, sable and wolf. Even cats and dogs are used - many of whom are skinned alive.
Shockingly, even Ireland has a secret fur trade - there are currently 6 mink farms and at least 1 fox farm in this country, where annually a total of 150,000 animals are killed.
Mink are kept in cages with a floor space equivalent of just 2 shoe boxes. They are usually gassed to death by carbon monoxide- 40 mink at a time are put into the killing box. Gassing often doesn't work, many are skinned alive.
Foxes are kept in cages just 1 metre square (2 fox per cage). They are killed by electrocution - utilising a 12 volt car battery with a transformer of 200 volts. Electrodes are clamped to their mouth while rods are inserted into their rectum and an extremely painful death ensues.
Despite what the fur industry claims, rabbit fur is NOT a by-product of the meat industry. Millions of rabbits are bred specifically for their fur each year and they are killed by either having their necks broken or their throats slit.
For wild animals, leg-hold traps are used. The traps work by clamping the animals' leg, biting deep into the flesh. The victims wait a long time, growing weaker through pain and attempts to escape, before the trapper returns to kill them by clubbing or suffocation.
Animals are not ours to wear. There is no excuse - FUR IS MURDER!!!
For more information, visit:
About 30,000 greyhound pups are registered every year between Ireland and the U.K. The number bred is actually many thousands more than this, when taking into account pups that never get registered, and those killed by breeders at a very young age because they fail to reach racing standards.Although most of these dogs are bred in Ireland, the majority are produced to supply the demands of the British greyhound racing industry.
Dogs who actually make it to the track are very likely to experience suffering during their racing careers. It has been estimated that greyhounds running on British tracks sustain more than 12,000 injuries every year and that 10% of dogs that race are already suffering from injuries. Injured toes, torn muscles, strained tendons and arthritic joints are commonplace. There have been numerous doping scandals uncovered in the Irish racing industry - many dogs are given drugs, such as cocaine, before a race to increase their speed.
At least 10,000 greyhounds “retire†from racing in Britain every year, at an average age of just 2½ years old. This is either because of injury or because they are adjudged to be no longer good enough to race. Many exracing greyhounds are simply abandoned and a large number are killed, sometimes by extremely cruel methods such as drowning or poisoning, because most ‘owners’ and trainers are not prepared to pay the cost of having them put to sleep by a vet. The shooting of greyhounds, as a killing method, is not uncommon.
Bodies of greyhounds have been found all over the country, washed up on rivers or found in woods. Occasionally, some are found still alive - mutilated. As greyhounds are tattooed on both ears, to identify them for racing and coursing purposes, ‘owners’ often actually cut the dogs ears off. This is to prevent the identity of the dog becoming known, and thus his former ‘owners’ being traced.
Every year many hundreds of ‘unwanted’ greyhounds are shipped to Spain to be kept for racing in appalling conditions or used for hunting and coursing. Dogs that turn out to he no good for hunting are often brutally disposed of, with hanging being a favourite method. Some are even sent to Asia, were they are either killed for the meat trade or used in laboratories for vivisection.
The only way to prevent the massive suffering and killing of greyhounds caused by the greyhound racing industry is for greyhound racing to be abolished.
Animals don’t belong in circuses - a fact which should be obvious to most people. But sadly, hundreds of animals continue to be enslaved in these travelling menageries every year.Examples of the animals used include elephants, tigers, rhinos, horses, giraffes, llamas, camels, wallabies, alligators and snakes - all of whom have been used in circuses touring Ireland. They are abused and beaten into submission, and through fear are forced to perform mindless acts - all for the entertainment of people.
Is it normal for an elephant to stand on its head? Or for a tiger to jump through a ring of fire? Or for horses to walk around on their hind legs ‘dancing’ to music? These are all unnatural and painful acts which animals should not be forced to do. They should be free, and in their natural habitats.
Circus animals, who in the wild would spend the majority of their days travelling and exploring new areas, spend 22 hours a day locked up in cages and pens so small, that they barely have room to turn around. This, coupled with their constant state of fear leads them to exhibit the stereotypical psychosis found in all captive animals. They self-mutilate and display repetitive behaviour, such as swaying back and forth.
Animal circuses should be a thing of the past. The animals wouldn’t be suffering if people weren’t still paying for it to continue. By attending these ‘shows’, you are directly responsible for letting this cruelty exist.
You can help these animals and take a stand against cruelty - BOYCOTT THE CIRCUS!
For more information, see:
Vivisection is the live dissection of animals. Millions of animals such as mice, rats, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, monkeys and sheep, to name but a few, are killed every year this way.Behind closed doors, vivisectors force feed animals chemicals, infuse them with cancers, cut open their skulls and place electrodes in their brains - some of the many horrors that go on in testing laboratories - then, if the animal has not already died, they cut them up, slowly killing them.
All this, in the name of so-called ''science'' - fronted by the vivisectors' guise of improving mankinds medical advancements. When the truth of it is, that it's all just a money making scheme orchistrated by the pharmaceutical industry.
One of the major flaws in animal testing is that of 'species difference'. This means that animal tests are basically unreliable as a way to predict effects in humans - positive results in animal studies have proved disastrous when applied to humans.
Animal research has been shown time and time again to hold back medical progress. Today when there is a wealth of sophisticated techniques including computer modelling, tissue cultures, epidemiological studies and clinical studies available for use that offer a cruelty-free, reliable alternative to vivisection, it makes no sense whatsoever to continue to use animals.
More importantly, there is absolutely no moral or ethical justification to test ANYTHING on animals. They are sentient beings who have the right to live out their lives, they do not deserve to be exploited by people. We have to say 'no' to vivisection, and be the voice for all the animals who are locked away in dark, barren cages - right now - terrified, where their only escape from this life of fear and torture is death.
For more information, visit:
Bloodsports such as fox hunting, stag hunting and hare coursing still take place in Ireland, unfortunately.Foxes are dug out of their dens, and are then thrown in front of the hounds and riders. It is not long before the poor exhauseted, frightened fox is caught and then shredded to bits by the hounds - as the riders look on, satisfied with their kill for the day.
Stags are reared by the hunt members themselves, which means they are relatively tame. When they are carted off for a hunt, they are chased for hours at a time. At the end of the day, they are either injured or killed, trying to get away from the hounds. Those that do survive are put back in the cart and brought back home - so that they can be used again another day.
Hares are mostly wild-caught for coursing events, and if they survive, some are kept as breeding stock. The hares, frightened, are released into a circular field and are then pursued by greyhounds. Even though the dogs are muzzled, that does not prevent the hares from getting killed by being trampled, thrown or having their backs broken.
Of course there are other forms of hunting. Angling revolves around using and causing suffering to a living creature to provide amusement for human beings. Every year millions of fish suffer and many thousands die, worldwide, as a result of their experiences at the hands of anglers.
Lamping - which is going out at night with a torch to daze and then shoot any animal you might find.
Pheasant shoots, where a gun club raises a batch of pheasant chicks, continues to feed them in their captive pens, and then one day releases them so the whole club can shoot as many as they can - which is most of them as the pheasants, by that stage, aren't afraid of people.
And finally the random shooting of anything that happens to walk or fly passed these psychopaths.
These are what bloodsports are. Hunting is just another example of man's blood lust. Another way to exert power, control and dominance over a more vulnerable species. To actually choose that, 'for fun' you will capture, chase and murder another living creature is so disgusting that mere words cannot describe the injustice of it all. No one has the right to do this. Who would want to? Who would be that psychologically disturbed to do something like that? These people aren't fit to be in society.
Animals are not ours to consume. They are living, breathing, feeling creatures who did not volunteer themselves to become another item on your plate! But shockingly, over 25 billion animals are killed every year for just that. But YOU can help stop it: Go Vegan!A vegan is someone who doesn’t consume any animalderived products such as meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy products or honey.
It would also go without saying that vegans don’t wear any clothing made from animals, don’t buy any products that are tested on animals, don’t support any bloodsports and don’t attend any ‘shows’ (e.g. circuses) that use animals.
Meat is murder! 17,000 animals are killed every second, globally, for the meat industry. You wouldn’t dream of consuming another human, so why do think it is morally acceptable to eat an animal? Animals raised for food are kept in overcrowded, confined, filthy conditions where disease is rampant. Due to the stress and psychosis associated with this, fighting and even cannibalism is common on such ‘farms’.
Their lives are short, chickens are killed after only a few weeks, pigs after 6 months, sheep 2 years and cattle 4 years. All of whom would live for many years naturally in the wild. Then they are brought to the slaughterhouse where they are tied upside-down, and are then either shot, stunned, or have their throats slit. Many are still fully conscious while they are being boiled or skinned. Can you even begin to imagine the fear and pain they must feel?
Fish suffer just as much. After being hauled from the water they experience an excruciatingly painful decompression, followed by a slow, distressing death by suffocation.
Many people think that by simply becoming a vegetarian, that they are eliminating cruelty from their diet. Unfortunately, this just isn’t enough. By drinking milk, not only are you supporting the dairy industry, but the veal industry too. For cows to produce milk, they are kept in a constant state of pregnancy. Within hours of the calf being born, he/she is taken away from their mother, and put in a veal crate - which is so small they can’t even turn around. All this, just so humans can consume the breast milk of another species!
Buying eggs (which are the menstrual waste of chickens), whether labelled ‘free range’ or not is just as bad. Only female chicks are useful to the egg industry, so males are thrown into live grinding machines upon hatching. Female chicks have their beaks seared off with a hot blade and are shoved into a cage with about 10 others. After 18 months - in which they produce about 400 eggs - they are killed and made into dog food.
Foie gras is made from the enlarged livers of ducks and geese. Metal pipes are shoved down their throats and they are force-fed 7 pounds of food per day, which causes liver disease. Only males are used because they produce larger livers - female hatchlings are drowned or crushed to death.
Think honey is ok? Think again! Honey production is a big industry, and bees are subjected to conditions and procedures similar to those used in factory farming. Queen bees have their wings clipped and are artificially inseminated, males are decapitated when they are no longer of value, and even whole colonies are killed off at winter to avoid the cost of feeding them!
But apart from all the animal-cruelty related reasons to adopt a vegan diet, the point is that it is not ethically or morally right to eat or farm another living creature, no matter how big or small their enclosures are. What’s needed isn’t bigger cages, its empty ones.
Open your eyes, see the truth. If you continue to buy meat and other animal-derived ‘products’, you are just as responsible for the misery and deaths of these animals as the ‘people’ who murdered them.
It has never been more important to become a vegan, and it’s never been easier too! If you would like more information, have any questions, or would like a free Go Vegan! pack, just contact us and we would be happy to help you in any way we can.
Here are some environmental reasons to go vegan:
Twenty times more land is required to feed a meat eater than to feed a vegan.
It takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce a pound of meat, but only 25 gallons to produce a pound of wheat.
For every quarter-pound fast food burger made of beef, 55 square feet of land is consumed.
Producing a single hamburger patty uses enough fossil fuel to drive a small car 20 miles and enough water for 17 showers.
A typical pig factory farm generates a quantity of raw waste equal to that of a city of 12,000 people.
No one can challenge the ethical reasons for becoming a vegan, just look at the video 'Meet Your Meat' which is included on this website. How can anyone work in that industry, doing that to animals day after day? Who could live with themselves? By choosing to purchase meat and other animal-derived 'products', YOU are allowing this to happen. YOU are funding this cruelty, this murder. If there wasn't a demand for it, this sadistic industry would cease to exist. By choosing not become a vegan, YOU are as guilty as the 'farmers' who raise the animals and the 'people' who work in these slaughter houses.
Stop letting yourself be desensitised. Open your eyes to what 'meat' really is. What is a burger, a sausage, a steak, a rasher or a drumstick? Don't let what it is called fool you. This was just a method devised to detach you from the truth. Detach you so much that you now feel nothing as you literally swallow hundreds of lives every year. They were once living beings, with as much a right to live as you and I. There is no excuse, GO VEGAN NOW!