Will profile picture


Welcome to me

About Me

Quick witted and Sarcastic. I cherrish my friends and enjoy meeting new ones. Always looking to try something different, love to travel, taste new foods, learn new things, chat with interesting people.

I love to dance, I'll dance to anything, hit two sticks together and my butt is movin. I LOVE teaching anything I know, becuase even when your teaching your still the student.

My Interests

Latin Dancing, Salsa, Mambo, Cha Cha, Dragon Boat Racing, Climbing, Skating, Handball, web design, slacking off, scuba, Snow Boarding, Water Skiing , Hapkido, Bowling, Ice Skating , Rollerblading, Biking, travel, trying new things

I'd like to meet:

FRIENDS: ANYONE!!! Doesn't matter who you are, thats the best part of meeting someone, since you get to learn about them and possibly something about yourself.

RELATIONSHIP: A sense of humor is key in any relationship with me, they say when you laugh it adds 10 min to your life.. and I want to grow really old with her :) . It would be nice for her to try new things, be open minded. Live life like it was your last day, but know that there will always be tomorrow. Oh yea.. I would like her to like me too :)


Latin, Techo, R&B, Hip Hop, Top 40, Italian, free sytle, I even dance when I am singing a song to myself.


Non-Bootleg ones... Yet they're just so cheep! ... ok maybe I have a few


Will and Grace, Simpsons, Malcome in the Middle, CIS (any city)


Picture, Popup, childerns, one's with really large words. Seriouly though, I like the ones that are blank w/ no lines so I can draw in them.


Each one of my family memebers:
Father: The hard worker
Mother: Caring wife, loving mother, never selfish
Brother 1: Sickness doesn't stop him from laughing
Sister: Dosent stop! A mother and career women.

If people wonder where I get my work ethics, sense of humor and love of family... just look at my family!