Latin Dancing, Salsa, Mambo, Cha Cha, Dragon Boat Racing, Climbing, Skating, Handball, web design, slacking off, scuba, Snow Boarding, Water Skiing , Hapkido, Bowling, Ice Skating , Rollerblading, Biking, travel, trying new things
FRIENDS: ANYONE!!! Doesn't matter who you are, thats the best part of meeting someone, since you get to learn about them and possibly something about yourself.
RELATIONSHIP: A sense of humor is key in any relationship with me, they say when you laugh it adds 10 min to your life.. and I want to grow really old with her :) . It would be nice for her to try new things, be open minded. Live life like it was your last day, but know that there will always be tomorrow. Oh yea.. I would like her to like me too :)
Latin, Techo, R&B, Hip Hop, Top 40, Italian, free sytle, I even dance when I am singing a song to myself.
Non-Bootleg ones... Yet they're just so cheep! ... ok maybe I have a few
Will and Grace, Simpsons, Malcome in the Middle, CIS (any city)
Picture, Popup, childerns, one's with really large words. Seriouly though, I like the ones that are blank w/ no lines so I can draw in them.
Each one of my family memebers:
Father: The hard worker
Mother: Caring wife, loving mother, never selfish
Brother 1: Sickness doesn't stop him from laughing
Sister: Dosent stop! A mother and career women.
If people wonder where I get my work ethics, sense of humor and love of family... just look at my family!