Playing the violin, swimming, track, hanging wit friends nd family, and of course being a drama nerd!
Jesus and Johnny Depp
Orchestra... duh lol I like anything and everything xcept for jazz nd opera...the fat lady CAN'T sing!
Edward Scissorhands, the Mummy movies, and tear jerkers like the notebook- I'm a total sap
Don't watch it (unless Spongebob is on)
Running with Scissors! I got my entire Trig class to read the juicy sexual details lol
MARK ANDERSON- My lil brother from another mother! Kid, ur hilarious! Weather it's chillin at park square, TRYING to play baseball, or hardcore partying, ur always there cracking jokes nd makin us laugh! I love u markie poo!THE BELL SHOALS BAPTIST/BLOOMINGDALE CREW- Kerri, Chelsea, Taylor, Dan, Bre, Brandon, James, Solomon, Shauni, Tyler, Ashley, Ryan, Ms. Sherri, Issiah, and all the rest: U guys are all amazing! Not only have each and everyone of u shown me a good time you've also opened my eyes more to God, which was a complete blessing with in itself- I know now that God is there and should be loved instead of feared or doubted. Thank you all dearly :)TAYLOR BURK- My gurl all the way from Japan! From talking during nap time at summer camp, to running around in random houses, we've had some great times! Even tho we don't talk too much, i still love u tay!AMANDA DUBOSE- Duboseeee! Remember that one day at the bus stop in eighth grade? U thought I was a stuck up prep and we both thought Judi was gunna beat us up? I had no idea that u would be one of my closest sisters! "We're finally in high school Amanda!" I feel like I've known u my whole life and would not be here with out you... Samanda fo life!BRIAN LOWE- My first crush. I remember the first day I met you I spent eleven dollars of ice cream money on u! U played me at fifth grade dude! That was before the cancer... I hope to God ur still out there and if ur not then God Bless u and rest in peace.MCDONALDS CREW- U guys- and yall kno who u are- made my first job more than bearable! u made it.....FUN! Thanks soo much!NEWSOME ORCHESTRA- Go orck dorkz! Over my past three years in high school yall have become like family to me! Growing and learning with u guys have made me realize what i want to do with my life- and I can't thank u all enough!NICK PAOLA- Wow... where do I begin lol ur lots of things to me- my first love, my first heartbreak, my best buddy, and at one point, my punching bag ;) but despite all the good, bad, and ugly that we've been through I'm so glad that I met u and we could become so close- you re my soulmate and I love you more than words can ever describe-- thanks for being my baby! (next to my violin ha!)MARELIZ ROSARIO- That's my GURL! Dude! ur soo funny that I even laugh like you! (Which drives ur mom nuts when she tries to sleep lol) The coolest thing about u is ur so freekin honest and u don't care what anyone thinks! Weather it's running over ur street light, or telling sum kid at the mall "Wow... he looks FUNNY!" We always have fun around each otha! I loooove u!!!!!CODY SCHIEBER- My big brother from another mother! Cody, I think you're the only one who can set off fire works in my house, corrupt my sister, and make up a cult against womens rights without having me hate your guts lol why? BC I freekin love u big bro- I never thought that goofy gym class kid would be the brother I never had- weather it's picking on me, or beating up Rick in the locker room for me, you do it the way a loving obnoxoius brother would. And I kno it sux that ur growin up and stuff- but hey- u can do it! I love u man!AUBREY SCHMITT- From pulling my pants down so everyone can see, to putting hotsauce in my mouth, to transforming my eyebrows- becoming close with you has been a wild ride! Even when times aren't so good- like all our "emo nights," and even when we fought, we still came back to support and make fun of eachother... and now we're seniors! Ahhh! I know ull be a sucessful brain surgeon and I'll be a broke musician who will still not be able to stomach an episode of Scarred. ("My ankles are broken!!!! I have broken ankles!!" lol) Regardless of where the future takes us, I'll always consider u one of my best friends I loove u!STEPHAINE SHEPPARD- U rock my world! If I were to start listing all of our crazy episodes then my heroes page would never end- I gotta say this one tho- "Are those pot heads staring at us?" "Eww! yea- wait I have an idea- I'll pretend to be you girlfriend!" "Oh no! They're still staring at us! ahhhhhhh!" We gotta make sure our last year is just as crazy as all the rest! I looove u!JENNIFER SHUSKO- My little sister: When you were sick I remember asking Dad if u were gonna live and he told me that he didn't know... Well, that night made me believe in angels because you DID live and have blossomed into a beautiful, smart, dorky ;), amazing girl. i love you more than life itself and nothing can stop us being sisters. You're growing up so fast, and I kno it can be scary and unfair sometimes, but u always have me to help you through any obstacle that may come your way. I love you Jen!STINA FACE- Go Gemin Eyes! Gurl u are so freekin pretty, fantastic, funny, and u have the coolest hair in da whole world! I'm so glad to have flipped burgers with u and become one of you're BFFs- nothing can top our amazing sleepovers! Stina, u complete me!! yay!!AMANDA STONE- Remember being class rejects together? hehe nobody liked us but we didn't care bc WE liked us and thus opened the sistership of u and I- from babysitting Tiffany and her constipated sister, to fighting over David, to playing babydolls in your basement, (even then, u were destined to be a nurse) growin up with u was da BOMB! Even after I moved away nothing changed between us- we're still BFF's/partners in crime! I love u and can't wait to c u!JUDI WETZEL- Judalicious! Gotta save the best fo last! lol I never would have guessed that the gurl I thought would beat me up at the bus stop would be one of my closest friends/sisters- we survived Randall, (and our dear lesbian friend) Newsome, and drama from all angles together- even at times when it all seemed to be over- like the group splitting or our hearts being broken by stupid boys. Ur one of those FEW ppl who i can feel completely comfortable around and spend every day with- without ever getting bored. Life still got more to throw at us but that's ok bc we're growin old togetha and we'll be able to take it! I love u gurl! Gemen Eyes RULE!MY WIFEYS- Faith, Elena, Bryn, and Courtney, I love you all to death and am so happy to be married to u guys! Did i mention that we've also had many beautiful children? Everyone should be jelous! :)