Mitakuye Oyasin Rescue Ranch's members are all enrolled members of the Oglala Lakota tribe of Pine Ridge South Dakota.Mitakuye Oyasin Rescue Ranch was started in 2005 after the death of a family member. It started out with just a few horses and then went from there. In 2008 the Mitakuye Oyasin Ranch suffered the death of the founder of the Ranch; John Runs with Horses. The Ranch has now been sold to a friend of the Ranch's and the horses are well taken care of. Even though the Ranch is not like it was a few months ago, we are still here to help anyone who might have questions about horses, native american traditions, or anything else. Also all the members of Mitakuye Oyasin Ranch are Traditional Native American Dancers. Thank you.~Mitakuye Oyasin Rescue Ranch~found this travel layout at HOT