Welcome to Metropolitan Community Church of San Diego!
We are a spirit-filled community that not only accepts you as you are,but understands and celebrates you as a unique creation of God.
All are welcome here, for we are all equal in the eyes of God. We are loved unconditionally and completely.
Once we open ourselves to accept this love,
we are changed and there is no turning back.
If you are searching for a group of people to accept you where you are and to challenge you to grow in your reflection of God’s love, “Welcomeâ€, for that is our goal. We invite you to experience our church family. We invite you to explore God through the life and works of Jesus Christ , with us in worship, fellowship and growth.
We’re so glad you have visited us….WELCOME
Sunday, 9am, 11am Worship
Worship Celebration
w/choir & special music at The Center
Rainbow Sunday School 11am only
ASL interpreted, Simultaneous Spanish translation available
Phone (619)521-2222
Fax (619)521-2233
Emergency Number (619)303-8336
Office Location:
4340 Vandever Ave. -
Suite I (across from Kaiser)
Mailing Address:
PO Box 33291
San Diego CA 92163-3291
***The Center's Address:
3909 Centre St.
San Diego, CA 92103
on the corner of Univeristy and Centre...just one block west of Park blvd.