Lil bit about me... I graduated from Penn State in '04 and moved back home to take one of my family's business into new a new direction. Getting Dave's Christmas (the one on Union and William) to an online website Its going extremely well and I am having lots of fun doing it. Besides for work, I stay active by playig golf, going snowboarding, or going for a run outside. I have my own house in E.Amherst, so thats nice, so stop on by, ring my doorbell and say hi!! I love to go out with my friends to the bars and what not, but I also enjoy staying in and cooking a nice meal for that special someone and then curl up with them and watch a movie.
If you want to know more about me or just wanna say hi, just drop me a message or even catch me on AIM if you'd like....... martinimenathan
The follies which a man regrets most, in his life, are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity.