disBELIEVER profile picture


greed is killing!

About Me

I'm all out of dust - and dust will remain...
I am everyone - and no one...

My Interests


and nothing...

I'd like to meet:

the ultimate purpose, at last?


Thrash / Death / Black / Industrial / Doom Metal,
Ambient, Soundtracks & Classical Music...


generally from directors such as, but not limited to:

Stanley Kubrick
Peter Jackson
David Lynch
Darren Aronofsky
Quentin Tarantino
Robert Rodriguez
David Fincher
Stephen Chow
Marek Koterski
Robert Zemeckis
Christopher Nolan
Francis Ford Coppola
Sophia Coppola
Chan-wook Park
Ki-Duk Kim
Iain Softley
Brian De Palma
Clint Eastwood
Roman Polanski
Woody Allen
Tim Burton
George Romero
Sam Raimi
Rob Zombie
Lars von Trier
David Cronenberg
Takashi Miike


don't remember the last time I turned on tv...


Mr. Johan Liiva