Krys. profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a fighter. Dreamer. Lover. Hardworker. and an artist. But above all I am a free soul. My name is legally krystal...but... I go by Krys and am not very fond of the name Krystal. My close friends and family call me little free bird. ♥ I think tattoos are beautiful and that your body is your personal canvas. I hate Hilary Clinton. I am passionate about everything i do because, if i am not passionate about it...whats the point of doing it? I am spontanious and sometimes unrealistic. I value intellegence.
Nothing is more annoying to me than ignorance. The truth is out there...If you dont know it- your not looking.
The love of my life.
Call me a bitch...
but I love my dog!
♥ Beethoven ♥
Recently I was asked the question, "What is your biggest fear," and at first I went through the usual things: death, bugs, driving (haha), snakes....
But then...I really thought about it...
My Conclusion:
Losing my freedom. Police State. I would rather be shot, point blank in the face than live in the world that our country is quickly becoming...
And your a dumbass if you think I wont fight for rights until the day I die.
Think about it...
aim= viciouskrys

My Interests




Little Alex T.




Hanging out with my friends. Hookah. Going to The Olive. (I am a regular to say the least) Reading. Painting. Politics. Comedy. (I love Katt Williams...that little pocket sized pimp kills me lol)

I have hope that the world will change.
If it doesn't soon...
I will change it. ♥

I love My Job! I get to sell awesome natural products, raise money for mothers in different counrties who can now send their children to school, help stop animal testing and make women feel better about themselves...
Who wouldn't love this job!

I'd like to meet:

My best friend & my boyfriend.
I love him to death.
We are both stubborn, loud, and together we are most likely the most entertaining couple you will ever meet. You mean the world to me, Andrew.
I love you baby.


♥ I adore music. ♥
It is a mood altering drug. A cure for pain. A language we all understand. A story. A message. It is a huge part of my life. I have been singing for as long as I could talk. =)
A gift sent from God to remind us we are all human.

Now building a band!
Looking for Talented musicains
who are passionate about music!
If you are interested hit me up!


I love moives. Period.
Fight Club
A Clockwork Orange
Sweeny Todd
American History X
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
SLC Punk
Knocked up
V for Vendetta
The Mothman Prophicies
The Goonies
Rose Red
Good burger
Clerks 2
Chasing Amy
Jay & Scilent Bob Strike Back
The Pick Of Destiny
I Love moives.


One show.

I ♥ Weeds! Nancy is a badass.


No better way to understand the world around you than reading.
A Clockwork Orange
The Secret
A Million Little Pieces (yeah he made up some stuff but, wtf ever, its a good read and it inspires me, so suck it lol)
Davinci Code
An introduction to Tantric Meditation
Breath! You are alive.
Dr. Sues....
No joke, he was a god damn genius.

I love to read, so tell me if you know of something I might like.


My sister Candace.

Niether are flawless.
Niether say they are. Both amaze me.

My Blog

You have always though...I would love to make a difference."

Now is your chance. I am currently involved in a walk for combating autism. My personal goal is to raise at least $200.00. Even by donating a small amount of money you could help. Dollars really do ad...
Posted by Krys. on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 01:22:00 PST

Hahahaha Ashley- this is for you sweetie.

Recently this message was sent to me by my ex boyfriends obviously poorly educated fiance. Here is what she wrote.....please....enjoy. what the fuck why the fuck are talking shit about me ivan told me...
Posted by Krys. on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 02:56:00 PST

Can we handle that?

Lately there has been alot of talk about restricting the government and giving the people more power.  I am not quite sure we could handle it. Dont get me wrong, i am all about small government a...
Posted by Krys. on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 11:57:00 PST


I just have to say that dating is no longer what it was ment to has become this huge mind-control game.It started out as a romantic quest to find the one u will marry and love forever...and now....
Posted by Krys. on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 09:28:00 PST