ResT iN peAce BraNdoN AugUStUs, iLL MiSs u BraH!!! profile picture

ResT iN peAce BraNdoN AugUStUs, iLL MiSs u BraH!!!

I am here for Friends

About Me

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No LiST OF WHat iM abOut or WhaT iM CaPAbLe OF. My ReP SpEaKs 4 itSelF iN moRe WaYS tHAN oNe. THe SwAGG....Yea. JuSt Mi.AnD DatZ jUSt EnUFF! iM As Mi aS i CaN Be. SoMe HaTE SoMe LoVe. iMa Do Mi ReGArdLESS! BeLieVE NOtHiNg u See, HaLf Of What U HeaR aNd AlL daT u FeeL.iM kOO 4 Da MosT paRt buT iF I feeL DisRespEcted Or Dat Ur Of No GooD uSe in My LiFe in ViCe VerSa why WaSte TiME. CuTT iT sHOrT n GeT it OveR wiTH.i LaUgh aLOt and smiLe aLL day EveRyDaY, u NeVEr kNow WHaTs oN My MiND unLeSS i TeLL 9/10 i WoNt!!! . beiNG HaTiN oN Does NoT boTHEr Me, iN da LeaSt Way. LiKe KaT saY 'FeeL FRee 2 HATe oN Mi'! i LaUgH anD kEEp iT fRE$$h. BeiNG TEsTeD oN tHe OThEr HAnD is A DiFFeReNT StORee. TesT Mi, aND i'LL tUrN iT inTo a TesTImOnY See HoW DaT GoEs.oH anD i DonT HoLd GrudGEs or HaTe No oNe. i PrAY 4 u and KeePs it Movin'. fuLL grOwn. LiFes 2 shORt 2 StrEss lEt alOne over Da B.S. =tHiS LiGht GoD hAs ShinING oN Mi Has Not yEt DiMMeD, NOr WiLL iT evEr.
iTs Mi$hi BaBii-2008
If there is anything else you'd like to know just ask, don't assume, lie or speculate.

My Interests

Christian survey
Do you read your Bible daily?: YeS, i Do. iT KeePs Me SanE.
What's your favorite book in the Bible?: DeFiNaTeLy PsaLMs, ProVerBs and CorithiAn!
Favorite character?: SauL, who Got SavEd aNd BecOme tHe DisCiPLe PauL
Why?: BeCauSe AnyOnE wHo waS a MuRDerEr AnD chAnge TheiR LiFe aNd BecOme a CruSaDer AnD oNe of JesUs SaiNts iS woRtH readiNg aBoUt
Anything you just don't get?: sOMe of The Names and WayZ Of THe OLd TesTaMenT
Would you name your children after people in the Bible?: No, noT at aLL. THEy HaVE somE DeCent NameS thOugH. Not ManY iM CraZy aBoUT.
Favorite passage?: woManHood:pRoVerBs 31. 2 all the HatErs:pSaLMs 36. and PsaLms 56. Christ Love:Corthians 13:8
Do you pray a lot?: EverYdaY aLL Day BiG and SmaLL thInGs iTs a haBit worth KeepIng TrUst Me
Define prayer: a ConVersation witH GoD.
Are your friends Christians?: YeS, But we All StiLL Have waYS oF The WorlD, No Ones PErFect But JeSuS.
What do you think of other religions?: pRay,tHat tHey come 2 tHe liGht of ChRiSt B4 iTS 2 LatE.
Jesus is...: My loRd, SavIoR, proTectOr, ProViDer and BesT frieNd enoUgh Said.
The Bible Is...: Basic.Instructions.Before.Leaving.Earth
God is...: The aLpHa And OMeGa Of My LiFe. My CauSe and EffeCt. i PutS No ONe B4 or AboVe HiM.
Something you struggle with...: GeTTiNg inTo The OLd tesTiMent. ComPleteLy 4GiViNg oThers especiaLLy BoyS and CussIng.
Got anything else to say?: GoD BLeSS u, i LyKeD Dis SuRVeY!!! : )
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Bzoink - The Original Survey SiteHelping others, making new goals everyday and testing my strengths.Developing my character in positive ways.Laughing, Smiling, Performing Arts my love, Acting,Dancing,Modeling, Shopping, Having Pictures Taken Of Mi,Eating Food, Reading, Writing, Poetry( i love it, i breath it),Learning New Things, Traveling, Spending Time With My Family & Friends,Hitting the Scene Hard Rather than Clubbing, Partying, Movies or whatever, Clothes, Colorful Accessories,Jewelry, Talking, Conversatin, Small Talk, Big Talk, Nigga talking okay?!? LOL.MisHi BaBii 2008 MuahDaMn She BAd, DaMn She thiCk, tHis PiC is So THroWbaCk iSH.CeLeBraTiNg My LiFe aT 19 iM so bLeSSeD.LooK aT tHE HustLa iN HeeLs....A ReMiNDeR 2 Da HaTaZ 2 KiSS My Azz CuZ i DONt GiVe a FuCk AboUt Em: OnCe Again Big Up 2 aLL My HATaZ!!!Me And My DraNk nOt The FirST or Da LasT

I'd like to meet:

MyHotComments ReSt iN PeaCe ApriL! i Cant BeLieVE eVen HaVE 2 SaY tHat tHis seeMs unReaL. i WIsH i couLDvE SaiD GoodBye or BeeN tHEre More. i LoVe U so MucH. iM a CeLebRaTe Yo LiFe.AnD LiVe MiNe 2 Da FuLLeSt ANd Do it Big LiKe u WouldNt WaNt Me 2.ALL THe MeMoriEz n PiCs n Da WorLd CaN RePlAce Yo AcTUaL pReSenCe.WaTch OvEr Me ANd AshLEY.

R.I.P Aunt Ebony Gone But Not 4gotten 11/15/1981-07/21/2007
BiRth:11-15-1981I love and miss you Ebony.You LefT Mi WaY 2 SooN ReSt In PeaCe!!!PaSSed On 2 GLoRy: 07-21-2007


Teenage Love Affair
..a.KeYS New vIDeo HeLla Go Her Best YeTBay Area Go DuMb Go StupiD n HypHY Shit n JiGGa CiTY jiGGin MuSiK...OlDieS oLDiEs oLdiEs ANd N.O. BiGGiTY BoUnCe Of CouRse! And MuCh aND MaNy MoRe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10 thIngS i HaTE AboUt U.SaVe tHe Last DanCe.RIZE. AmErican GanGsta.sLeePoVer. MoTiVeS 1 & 2. Blue HiLL aVenUe. OaKLaND goNe WiLD. cLueSS. ScaRy MoVie 2! The wOOd. LoVe & BAskEtbALL.bRiNG iT oN THe FirsT OnE! AnyThIng ThaTs MaKEs Me LaUgH R tHInK.... MoViEz i maKe... When iM AcTiN oF CouRSe And AnyTHiNg "sKuRRy".


Football, football, football!iM So Sad tHErE wiLL No MoRe FOotBALL 2 LikE AuGuST wHat aM i GoNe Do? bOXING MATCHES GO SO HARD! Basketball!ESPN!America's Next Top Model. Wildin N Out.And any SKURRY moViE. uM HousE. CSI MiAMi.LiFeTiMe.OpRAh. Girlfriends.BET.Videos.ANythiNG wiTh KaTT wiLLiaMs.PiMp ChRoNicLeS 1 0r 2.


AnyThiNg THAt EnHAnCes My VoCAbuLaRy. mY cO-wORkeRS aNd I arE sTARtIng A bOOk cLuB lYk aSAp Cuz ReADiNG rEAllY iz fUndAMeNtaL. African American Literatures. PhilosphicaL bOOks Ya KNow da UsuaL? Magazines and more magazines. By Mass Comm being my major I read and write alot. I write everyday and read. Books I write and that my friends write as well.The Secret Rich & THin Video Vixen Real Estate Variety is the key word!Authors Zane Omar Tyree Eric Jerome Dickey Sister SouljahMagazines Sister 2 Sister Seventeen Heart & Soul Ebony Essence


Father God of course first and foremost.Jesus my Savior and provider.

My parents. Collectively and individually. My friends near and far you know who u be(close & best). And that fine young thang named Tamisha( myself silly)!

My Blog

WiFeY StATu$

I aM WiFeY stATuS But iM sinGLE ya DiG? N E WaY my OnLy pRoBLEm is WoMen wHO gET iT twiSTed aND MAke iT lOOk LiKE We aLL oN BiTCh, WhoRe anD Boo StaTUs. OnLy a ReaL mAN caN diSTinGuiSH thE DiFFer...
Posted by ResT iN peAce BraNdoN AugUStUs, iLL MiSs u BraH!!! on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 05:12:00 PST

NotHinG iS MoRe BeauTiFuL tHan knOwiNg uR woRtH: priCeLe$$

Im a queen, I should be, getting all that someone's gotI should be rocking the latest in purses, bracelets, and watches, I'm worth much more than a occasional I love youI'm thinking of you C...
Posted by ResT iN peAce BraNdoN AugUStUs, iLL MiSs u BraH!!! on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 08:36:00 PST

Im A Well KEPT Woman

I  Am a "Kept" Woman. [IMG] sed07/kept.jpg[/IMG]  You see, there were a few times when I thought I would lose my mind,but GOD kept me...
Posted by ResT iN peAce BraNdoN AugUStUs, iLL MiSs u BraH!!! on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 01:10:00 PST

BrOke iNto My HouSe

Ya'll will not be seeing me on myspace all that much for awhile. Somebody broke into my house yesterday while I was at school and stole my computer, scanner and some other stuff. Im ok. Im safe and bl...
Posted by ResT iN peAce BraNdoN AugUStUs, iLL MiSs u BraH!!! on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 12:06:00 PST

A Mist of Change In The Air

Change of good or bad intent? I can't tell at the moment. Maybe just a change of things due the way they are meant to be conducted. I'm trying to learn to accept things I can not change and ...
Posted by ResT iN peAce BraNdoN AugUStUs, iLL MiSs u BraH!!! on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 01:06:00 PST

ZoDiAc AttAcK pArT 2

Below are true descriptions of zodiac signs, with traits from a book written 35 years ago by an astrologist predictionist. Read your sign, then repost this in a new bulletin with your zodiac sign and ...
Posted by ResT iN peAce BraNdoN AugUStUs, iLL MiSs u BraH!!! on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 09:11:00 PST

PrYnCe$$ v.S TaMisHa

Ok there has been rumors and lies speculating on Mi believeing that I am really a PrYnCe$$.And I(Tamisha) just wanted to clear a few things up. 1Q:Where did the name come 4rm? A:PrYnCe$$ iS a NiCknAme...
Posted by ResT iN peAce BraNdoN AugUStUs, iLL MiSs u BraH!!! on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 07:41:00 PST

Im On My Cycle I Will Kill U

I know that was too much information but Im serious.Im just tryna let it be known and give a fair warning.I am cramping, got a fever and everybody just keep messing me.I'll be ok of u just leave me al...
Posted by ResT iN peAce BraNdoN AugUStUs, iLL MiSs u BraH!!! on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 03:47:00 PST


AQUARIUSJan 21 - Feb 19Ruling Planet: URANUS. The God of unexpected sexual twists and turnsAquarians make much better friends than lovers, but when a typical Aquarian gets some bang-bang, it's more an...
Posted by ResT iN peAce BraNdoN AugUStUs, iLL MiSs u BraH!!! on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 05:57:00 PST

Home For the Holidays

I miss my friends and my family in Cali.I felt so bad not being home as in da town for christmas I was just missing everybody.I spent christmas with my daddy which is something i enjoyed and have...
Posted by ResT iN peAce BraNdoN AugUStUs, iLL MiSs u BraH!!! on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 08:51:00 PST